// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Redict Contributors // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Salvatore Sanfilippo // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only #include "redictmodule.h" #include #include #include #include #define UNUSED(V) ((void) V) #define LIST_SIZE 1024 /* The FSL (Fixed-Size List) data type is a low-budget imitation of the * native Redict list, in order to test list-like commands implemented * by a module. * Examples: FSL.PUSH, FSL.BPOP, etc. */ typedef struct { long long list[LIST_SIZE]; long long length; } fsl_t; /* Fixed-size list */ static RedictModuleType *fsltype = NULL; fsl_t *fsl_type_create(void) { fsl_t *o; o = RedictModule_Alloc(sizeof(*o)); o->length = 0; return o; } void fsl_type_free(fsl_t *o) { RedictModule_Free(o); } /* ========================== "fsltype" type methods ======================= */ void *fsl_rdb_load(RedictModuleIO *rdb, int encver) { if (encver != 0) { return NULL; } fsl_t *fsl = fsl_type_create(); fsl->length = RedictModule_LoadUnsigned(rdb); for (long long i = 0; i < fsl->length; i++) fsl->list[i] = RedictModule_LoadSigned(rdb); return fsl; } void fsl_rdb_save(RedictModuleIO *rdb, void *value) { fsl_t *fsl = value; RedictModule_SaveUnsigned(rdb,fsl->length); for (long long i = 0; i < fsl->length; i++) RedictModule_SaveSigned(rdb, fsl->list[i]); } void fsl_aofrw(RedictModuleIO *aof, RedictModuleString *key, void *value) { fsl_t *fsl = value; for (long long i = 0; i < fsl->length; i++) RedictModule_EmitAOF(aof, "FSL.PUSH","sl", key, fsl->list[i]); } void fsl_free(void *value) { fsl_type_free(value); } /* ========================== helper methods ======================= */ /* Wrapper to the boilerplate code of opening a key, checking its type, etc. * Returns 0 if `keyname` exists in the dataset, but it's of the wrong type (i.e. not FSL) */ int get_fsl(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString *keyname, int mode, int create, fsl_t **fsl, int reply_on_failure) { *fsl = NULL; RedictModuleKey *key = RedictModule_OpenKey(ctx, keyname, mode); if (RedictModule_KeyType(key) != REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY) { /* Key exists */ if (RedictModule_ModuleTypeGetType(key) != fsltype) { /* Key is not FSL */ RedictModule_CloseKey(key); if (reply_on_failure) RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, REDICTMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); RedictModuleCallReply *reply = RedictModule_Call(ctx, "INCR", "c", "fsl_wrong_type"); RedictModule_FreeCallReply(reply); return 0; } *fsl = RedictModule_ModuleTypeGetValue(key); if (*fsl && !(*fsl)->length && mode & REDICTMODULE_WRITE) { /* Key exists, but it's logically empty */ if (create) { create = 0; /* No need to create, key exists in its basic state */ } else { RedictModule_DeleteKey(key); *fsl = NULL; } } else { /* Key exists, and has elements in it - no need to create anything */ create = 0; } } if (create) { *fsl = fsl_type_create(); RedictModule_ModuleTypeSetValue(key, fsltype, *fsl); } RedictModule_CloseKey(key); return 1; } /* ========================== commands ======================= */ /* FSL.PUSH - Push an integer to the fixed-size list (to the right). * It must be greater than the element in the head of the list. */ int fsl_push(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 3) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); long long ele; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2],&ele) != REDICTMODULE_OK) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid integer"); fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 1, &fsl, 1)) return REDICTMODULE_OK; if (fsl->length == LIST_SIZE) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR list is full"); if (fsl->length != 0 && fsl->list[fsl->length-1] >= ele) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR new element has to be greater than the head element"); fsl->list[fsl->length++] = ele; RedictModule_SignalKeyAsReady(ctx, argv[1]); RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); return RedictModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "OK"); } typedef struct { RedictModuleString *keyname; long long ele; } timer_data_t; static void timer_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, void *data) { timer_data_t *td = data; fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, td->keyname, REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 1, &fsl, 1)) return; if (fsl->length == LIST_SIZE) return; /* list is full */ if (fsl->length != 0 && fsl->list[fsl->length-1] >= td->ele) return; /* new element has to be greater than the head element */ fsl->list[fsl->length++] = td->ele; RedictModule_SignalKeyAsReady(ctx, td->keyname); RedictModule_Replicate(ctx, "FSL.PUSH", "sl", td->keyname, td->ele); RedictModule_FreeString(ctx, td->keyname); RedictModule_Free(td); } /* FSL.PUSHTIMER - Push the number 9000 to the fixed-size list (to the right). * It must be greater than the element in the head of the list. */ int fsl_pushtimer(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 4) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); long long ele; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2],&ele) != REDICTMODULE_OK) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid integer"); long long period; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[3],&period) != REDICTMODULE_OK) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid period"); fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 1, &fsl, 1)) return REDICTMODULE_OK; if (fsl->length == LIST_SIZE) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR list is full"); timer_data_t *td = RedictModule_Alloc(sizeof(*td)); td->keyname = argv[1]; RedictModule_RetainString(ctx, td->keyname); td->ele = ele; RedictModuleTimerID id = RedictModule_CreateTimer(ctx, period, timer_callback, td); RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, id); return REDICTMODULE_OK; } int bpop_reply_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); RedictModuleString *keyname = RedictModule_GetBlockedClientReadyKey(ctx); fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, keyname, REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 0, &fsl, 0) || !fsl) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; RedictModule_Assert(fsl->length); RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, fsl->list[--fsl->length]); /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); return REDICTMODULE_OK; } int bpop_timeout_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); return RedictModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "Request timedout"); } /* FSL.BPOP [NO_TO_CB]- Block clients until list has two or more elements. * When that happens, unblock client and pop the last two elements (from the right). */ int fsl_bpop(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc < 3) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); long long timeout; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2],&timeout) != REDICTMODULE_OK || timeout < 0) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid timeout"); int to_cb = 1; if (argc == 4) { if (strcasecmp("NO_TO_CB", RedictModule_StringPtrLen(argv[3], NULL))) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid argument"); to_cb = 0; } fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 0, &fsl, 1)) return REDICTMODULE_OK; if (!fsl) { RedictModule_BlockClientOnKeys(ctx, bpop_reply_callback, to_cb ? bpop_timeout_callback : NULL, NULL, timeout, &argv[1], 1, NULL); } else { RedictModule_Assert(fsl->length); RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, fsl->list[--fsl->length]); /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); } return REDICTMODULE_OK; } int bpopgt_reply_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); RedictModuleString *keyname = RedictModule_GetBlockedClientReadyKey(ctx); long long *pgt = RedictModule_GetBlockedClientPrivateData(ctx); fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, keyname, REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 0, &fsl, 0) || !fsl) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"UNBLOCKED key no longer exists"); if (fsl->list[fsl->length-1] <= *pgt) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; RedictModule_Assert(fsl->length); RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, fsl->list[--fsl->length]); /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); return REDICTMODULE_OK; } int bpopgt_timeout_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); return RedictModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "Request timedout"); } void bpopgt_free_privdata(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, void *privdata) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(ctx); RedictModule_Free(privdata); } /* FSL.BPOPGT - Block clients until list has an element greater than . * When that happens, unblock client and pop the last element (from the right). */ int fsl_bpopgt(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 4) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); long long gt; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2],>) != REDICTMODULE_OK) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid integer"); long long timeout; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[3],&timeout) != REDICTMODULE_OK || timeout < 0) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid timeout"); fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 0, &fsl, 1)) return REDICTMODULE_OK; if (!fsl) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR key must exist"); if (fsl->list[fsl->length-1] <= gt) { /* We use malloc so the tests in blockedonkeys.tcl can check for memory leaks */ long long *pgt = RedictModule_Alloc(sizeof(long long)); *pgt = gt; RedictModule_BlockClientOnKeysWithFlags( ctx, bpopgt_reply_callback, bpopgt_timeout_callback, bpopgt_free_privdata, timeout, &argv[1], 1, pgt, REDICTMODULE_BLOCK_UNBLOCK_DELETED); } else { RedictModule_Assert(fsl->length); RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, fsl->list[--fsl->length]); /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); } return REDICTMODULE_OK; } int bpoppush_reply_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); RedictModuleString *src_keyname = RedictModule_GetBlockedClientReadyKey(ctx); RedictModuleString *dst_keyname = RedictModule_GetBlockedClientPrivateData(ctx); fsl_t *src; if (!get_fsl(ctx, src_keyname, REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 0, &src, 0) || !src) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; fsl_t *dst; if (!get_fsl(ctx, dst_keyname, REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 1, &dst, 0) || !dst) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; RedictModule_Assert(src->length); long long ele = src->list[--src->length]; dst->list[dst->length++] = ele; RedictModule_SignalKeyAsReady(ctx, dst_keyname); /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); return RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, ele); } int bpoppush_timeout_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); return RedictModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "Request timedout"); } void bpoppush_free_privdata(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, void *privdata) { RedictModule_FreeString(ctx, privdata); } /* FSL.BPOPPUSH - Block clients until has an element. * When that happens, unblock client, pop the last element from and push it to * (from the right). */ int fsl_bpoppush(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 4) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); long long timeout; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[3],&timeout) != REDICTMODULE_OK || timeout < 0) return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx,"ERR invalid timeout"); fsl_t *src; if (!get_fsl(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 0, &src, 1)) return REDICTMODULE_OK; if (!src) { /* Retain string for reply callback */ RedictModule_RetainString(ctx, argv[2]); /* Key is empty, we must block */ RedictModule_BlockClientOnKeys(ctx, bpoppush_reply_callback, bpoppush_timeout_callback, bpoppush_free_privdata, timeout, &argv[1], 1, argv[2]); } else { fsl_t *dst; if (!get_fsl(ctx, argv[2], REDICTMODULE_WRITE, 1, &dst, 1)) return REDICTMODULE_OK; RedictModule_Assert(src->length); long long ele = src->list[--src->length]; dst->list[dst->length++] = ele; RedictModule_SignalKeyAsReady(ctx, argv[2]); RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, ele); /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); } return REDICTMODULE_OK; } /* FSL.GETALL - Reply with an array containing all elements. */ int fsl_getall(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 2) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); fsl_t *fsl; if (!get_fsl(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_READ, 0, &fsl, 1)) return REDICTMODULE_OK; if (!fsl) return RedictModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx, 0); RedictModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx, fsl->length); for (int i = 0; i < fsl->length; i++) RedictModule_ReplyWithLongLong(ctx, fsl->list[i]); return REDICTMODULE_OK; } /* Callback for blockonkeys_popall */ int blockonkeys_popall_reply_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); RedictModuleKey *key = RedictModule_OpenKey(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE); if (RedictModule_KeyType(key) == REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST) { RedictModuleString *elem; long len = 0; RedictModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx, REDICTMODULE_POSTPONED_ARRAY_LEN); while ((elem = RedictModule_ListPop(key, REDICTMODULE_LIST_HEAD)) != NULL) { len++; RedictModule_ReplyWithString(ctx, elem); RedictModule_FreeString(ctx, elem); } /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); RedictModule_ReplySetArrayLength(ctx, len); } else { RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR Not a list"); } RedictModule_CloseKey(key); return REDICTMODULE_OK; } int blockonkeys_popall_timeout_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR Timeout"); } /* BLOCKONKEYS.POPALL key * * Blocks on an empty key for up to 3 seconds. When unblocked by a list * operation like LPUSH, all the elements are popped and returned. Fails with an * error on timeout. */ int blockonkeys_popall(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc != 2) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedictModuleKey *key = RedictModule_OpenKey(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_READ); if (RedictModule_KeyType(key) == REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY) { RedictModule_BlockClientOnKeys(ctx, blockonkeys_popall_reply_callback, blockonkeys_popall_timeout_callback, NULL, 3000, &argv[1], 1, NULL); } else { RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR Key not empty"); } RedictModule_CloseKey(key); return REDICTMODULE_OK; } /* BLOCKONKEYS.LPUSH key val [val ..] * BLOCKONKEYS.LPUSH_UNBLOCK key val [val ..] * * A module equivalent of LPUSH. If the name LPUSH_UNBLOCK is used, * RM_SignalKeyAsReady() is also called. */ int blockonkeys_lpush(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc < 3) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); RedictModuleKey *key = RedictModule_OpenKey(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE); if (RedictModule_KeyType(key) != REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY && RedictModule_KeyType(key) != REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST) { RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, REDICTMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } else { for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) { if (RedictModule_ListPush(key, REDICTMODULE_LIST_HEAD, argv[i]) != REDICTMODULE_OK) { RedictModule_CloseKey(key); return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR Push failed"); } } } RedictModule_CloseKey(key); /* signal key as ready if the command is lpush_unblock */ size_t len; const char *str = RedictModule_StringPtrLen(argv[0], &len); if (!strncasecmp(str, "blockonkeys.lpush_unblock", len)) { RedictModule_SignalKeyAsReady(ctx, argv[1]); } RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); return RedictModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "OK"); } /* Callback for the BLOCKONKEYS.BLPOPN command */ int blockonkeys_blpopn_reply_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); long long n; RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2], &n); RedictModuleKey *key = RedictModule_OpenKey(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE); int result; if (RedictModule_KeyType(key) == REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST && RedictModule_ValueLength(key) >= (size_t)n) { RedictModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx, n); for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) { RedictModuleString *elem = RedictModule_ListPop(key, REDICTMODULE_LIST_HEAD); RedictModule_ReplyWithString(ctx, elem); RedictModule_FreeString(ctx, elem); } /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); result = REDICTMODULE_OK; } else if (RedictModule_KeyType(key) == REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST || RedictModule_KeyType(key) == REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY) { const char *module_cmd = RedictModule_StringPtrLen(argv[0], NULL); if (!strcasecmp(module_cmd, "blockonkeys.blpopn_or_unblock")) RedictModule_UnblockClient(RedictModule_GetBlockedClientHandle(ctx), NULL); /* continue blocking */ result = REDICTMODULE_ERR; } else { result = RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, REDICTMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } RedictModule_CloseKey(key); return result; } int blockonkeys_blpopn_timeout_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR Timeout"); } int blockonkeys_blpopn_abort_callback(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); return RedictModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "Action aborted"); } /* BLOCKONKEYS.BLPOPN key N * * Blocks until key has N elements and then pops them or fails after 3 seconds. */ int blockonkeys_blpopn(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { if (argc < 3) return RedictModule_WrongArity(ctx); long long n, timeout = 3000LL; if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[2], &n) != REDICTMODULE_OK) { return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR Invalid N"); } if (argc > 3 ) { if (RedictModule_StringToLongLong(argv[3], &timeout) != REDICTMODULE_OK) { return RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, "ERR Invalid timeout value"); } } RedictModuleKey *key = RedictModule_OpenKey(ctx, argv[1], REDICTMODULE_WRITE); int keytype = RedictModule_KeyType(key); if (keytype != REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_EMPTY && keytype != REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST) { RedictModule_ReplyWithError(ctx, REDICTMODULE_ERRORMSG_WRONGTYPE); } else if (keytype == REDICTMODULE_KEYTYPE_LIST && RedictModule_ValueLength(key) >= (size_t)n) { RedictModule_ReplyWithArray(ctx, n); for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) { RedictModuleString *elem = RedictModule_ListPop(key, REDICTMODULE_LIST_HEAD); RedictModule_ReplyWithString(ctx, elem); RedictModule_FreeString(ctx, elem); } /* I'm lazy so i'll replicate a potentially blocking command, it shouldn't block in this flow. */ RedictModule_ReplicateVerbatim(ctx); } else { RedictModule_BlockClientOnKeys(ctx, blockonkeys_blpopn_reply_callback, timeout ? blockonkeys_blpopn_timeout_callback : blockonkeys_blpopn_abort_callback, NULL, timeout, &argv[1], 1, NULL); } RedictModule_CloseKey(key); return REDICTMODULE_OK; } int RedictModule_OnLoad(RedictModuleCtx *ctx, RedictModuleString **argv, int argc) { REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argv); REDICTMODULE_NOT_USED(argc); if (RedictModule_Init(ctx, "blockonkeys", 1, REDICTMODULE_APIVER_1)== REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; RedictModuleTypeMethods tm = { .version = REDICTMODULE_TYPE_METHOD_VERSION, .rdb_load = fsl_rdb_load, .rdb_save = fsl_rdb_save, .aof_rewrite = fsl_aofrw, .mem_usage = NULL, .free = fsl_free, .digest = NULL, }; fsltype = RedictModule_CreateDataType(ctx, "fsltype_t", 0, &tm); if (fsltype == NULL) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"fsl.push",fsl_push,"write",1,1,1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"fsl.pushtimer",fsl_pushtimer,"write",1,1,1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"fsl.bpop",fsl_bpop,"write",1,1,1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"fsl.bpopgt",fsl_bpopgt,"write",1,1,1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"fsl.bpoppush",fsl_bpoppush,"write",1,2,1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"fsl.getall",fsl_getall,"",1,1,1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "blockonkeys.popall", blockonkeys_popall, "write", 1, 1, 1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "blockonkeys.lpush", blockonkeys_lpush, "write", 1, 1, 1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "blockonkeys.lpush_unblock", blockonkeys_lpush, "write", 1, 1, 1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "blockonkeys.blpopn", blockonkeys_blpopn, "write", 1, 1, 1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; if (RedictModule_CreateCommand(ctx, "blockonkeys.blpopn_or_unblock", blockonkeys_blpopn, "write", 1, 1, 1) == REDICTMODULE_ERR) return REDICTMODULE_ERR; return REDICTMODULE_OK; }