Gossip the cluster node blacklist in ping and pong messages.
This means that CLUSTER FORGET doesn't need to be sent to all nodes in a cluster.
It can be sent to one or more nodes and then be propagated to the rest of them.
For each blacklisted node, its node id and its remaining blacklist TTL is gossiped in a
cluster bus ping extension (introduced in #9530).
A timing issue like this was reported in freebsd daily CI:
*** [err]: Sanity test push cmd after resharding in tests/unit/cluster/cli.tcl
Expected 'CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is down' to match '*MOVED*'
We additionally wait for each node to reach a consensus on the cluster
state in wait_for_condition to avoid the cluster down error.
The fix just like #10495, quoting madolson's comment:
Cluster check just verifies the the config state is self-consistent,
waiting for cluster_state to be okay is an independent check that all
the nodes actually believe each other are healthy.
At the same time i noticed that unit/moduleapi/cluster.tcl has an exact
same test, may have the same problem, also modified it.
In the newly added cluster hostnames test, the primary is failing over during the reboot
for valgrind so we are validating the wrong node. This change just sets the replica to
prevent taking over, which seems to fix the test.
We could have also set the timeout higher, but it slows down the test.