Notes by @antirez:
This patch was picked from a larger commit by Oran and adapted to change
the API a bit. The basic idea is to avoid double lookups when there is
to use the value of the deleted entry.
entry = dictFind( ... ); /* 1st lookup. */
/* Do somethjing with the entry. */
dictDelete(...); /* 2nd lookup. */
entry = dictUnlink( ... ); /* 1st lookup. */
/* Do somethjing with the entry. */
dictFreeUnlinkedEntry(entry); /* No lookups!. */
RedisModule_StringRetain() allows, when automatic memory management is
on, to keep string objects living after the callback returns. Can also
be used in order to use Redis reference counting of objects inside
The reason why this is useful is that sometimes when implementing new
data types we want to reference RedisModuleString objects inside the
module private data structures, so those string objects must be valid
after the callback returns even if not referenced inside the Redis key
This commit changes what provided by PR #3315 (merged) in order to
let the user specify the log level as a string.
The define could be also used, but when this happens, they must be
decoupled from the defines in the Redis core, like in the other part of
the Redis modules implementations, so that a switch statement (or a
function) remaps between the two, otherwise we are no longer free to
change the internal Redis defines.
Most of the time to check the last element is the way to go, however
there are patterns where the contrary is the best choice. Zig-zag
scanning implemented in this commmit always checks the obvious element
first (the last added -- think at a loop where the last element
allocated gets freed again and again), and continues checking one
element in the head and one in the tail.
Thanks to @dvisrky that fixed the original implementation of the
function and proposed zig zag scanning.
Now that modules receive RedisModuleString objects on loading, they are
allowed to call the String API, so the context must be released
Related to #3293.
In modules we fill a set of function pointers defined in redismodule.h,
populating a set of APIs that are callable from the module. We use this
manual process instead of resorting to dynamic linking so that we have
exact control on how we pass the API to the module, and we can even pass
different functions for the same name, depending on the API version
declared by the module.
However if the function pointers in redismodule.h and the functions
defined in module.c have the same name, they conflict since the core
exports the symbols to the module.
There is probably some compiler flags trick to avoid this, but in order
to be safer in the future and be more easily compatible with different
builidng systems, this commit changes the internal function prefix from
RedisModule_ to RM_, so for example:
RM_StringSet() will be exported as RedisModule_StringSet()