#10381 fixed an issue in `redis-cli --cluster reshard` that used to fail it (redis-cli) because
of a race condition.
the race condition is / was that when moving the last slot from a node, sometimes the PONG
messages delivering the configuration change arrive to that node before the SETSLOT arrives
to it, and it becomes a replica.
other times the the SETSLOT arrive first, and then PONG **doesn't** demote it.
**however**, the PR also added a new test that suffers from exactly the same race condition,
and the tests started failing a lot.
The fact is (if i understand it correctly), that this test (the one being deleted here), isn't related
to the fix that PR fixed (which was to fix redis-cli).
The race condition in the cluster code still happens, and as long as we don't solve it, there's
no reason to test it.
For now, even if my understandings are wrong, i'm gonna delete that failing test, since as far as
i understand, #10381 didn't introduce any new risks for that matter (which are gonna be
compromised by removing this check), this race existed since forever, and still exists, and the
fact that redis-cli is now immune to it is still being tested.
Additional work should be carried to fix it, and i live it for other PRs to handle.
When ::singledb is 0, we will use db 9 for the test db.
Since ::singledb is set to 1 in the cluster-related tests, but not restored, some subsequent
tests associated with db 9 will fail.
After migrating a slot, send CLUSTER SETSLOT NODE to the destination
node first to make sure the slot isn't left without an owner in case
the destination node crashes before it is set as new owner.
When informing the source node, it can happen that the destination
node has already informed it and if the source node has lost its
last slot, it has already turned itself into a replica. Redis-cli
should ignore this error in this case.
# Redis Functions Flags
Following the discussion on #10025 Added Functions Flags support.
The PR is divided to 2 sections:
* Add named argument support to `redis.register_function` API.
* Add support for function flags
## `redis.register_function` named argument support
The first part of the PR adds support for named argument on `redis.register_function`, example:
return 'hello'
description='some desc'
The positional arguments is also kept, which means that it still possible to write:
redis.register_function('f1', function() return 'hello' end)
But notice that it is no longer possible to pass the optional description argument on the positional
argument version. Positional argument was change to allow passing only the mandatory arguments
(function name and callback). To pass more arguments the user must use the named argument version.
As with positional arguments, the `function_name` and `callback` is mandatory and an error will be
raise if those are missing. Also, an error will be raise if an unknown argument name is given or the
arguments type is wrong.
Tests was added to verify the new syntax.
## Functions Flags
The second part of the PR is adding functions flags support.
Flags are given to Redis when the engine calls `functionLibCreateFunction`, supported flags are:
* `no-writes` - indicating the function perform no writes which means that it is OK to run it on:
* read-only replica
* Using FCALL_RO
* If disk error detected
It will not be possible to run a function in those situations unless the function turns on the `no-writes` flag
* `allow-oom` - indicate that its OK to run the function even if Redis is in OOM state, if the function will
not turn on this flag it will not be possible to run it if OOM reached (even if the function declares `no-writes`
and even if `fcall_ro` is used). If this flag is set, any command will be allow on OOM (even those that is
marked with CMD_DENYOOM). The assumption is that this flag is for advance users that knows its
meaning and understand what they are doing, and Redis trust them to not increase the memory usage.
(e.g. it could be an INCR or a modification on an existing key, or a DEL command)
* `allow-state` - indicate that its OK to run the function on stale replica, in this case we will also make
sure the function is only perform `stale` commands and raise an error if not.
* `no-cluster` - indicate to disallow running the function if cluster is enabled.
Default behaviure of functions (if no flags is given):
1. Allow functions to read and write
2. Do not run functions on OOM
3. Do not run functions on stale replica
4. Allow functions on cluster
### Lua API for functions flags
On Lua engine, it is possible to give functions flags as `flags` named argument:
redis.register_function{function_name='f1', callback=function() return 1 end, flags={'no-writes', 'allow-oom'}, description='description'}
The function flags argument must be a Lua table that contains all the requested flags, The following
will result in an error:
* Unknown flag
* Wrong flag type
Default behaviour is the same as if no flags are used.
Tests were added to verify all flags functionality
## Additional changes
* mark FCALL and FCALL_RO with CMD_STALE flag (unlike EVAL), so that they can run if the function was
registered with the `allow-stale` flag.
* Verify `CMD_STALE` on `scriptCall` (`redis.call`), so it will not be possible to call commands from script while
stale unless the command is marked with the `CMD_STALE` flags. so that even if the function is allowed while
stale we do not allow it to bypass the `CMD_STALE` flag of commands.
* Flags section was added to `FUNCTION LIST` command to provide the set of flags for each function:
> FUNCTION list withcode
1) 1) "library_name"
2) "test"
3) "engine"
4) "LUA"
5) "description"
6) (nil)
7) "functions"
8) 1) 1) "name"
2) "f1"
3) "description"
4) (nil)
5) "flags"
6) (empty array)
9) "library_code"
10) "redis.register_function{function_name='f1', callback=function() return 1 end}"
* Added API to get Redis version from within a script, The redis version can be provided using:
1. `redis.REDIS_VERSION` - string representation of the redis version in the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATH
2. `redis.REDIS_VERSION_NUM` - number representation of the redis version in the format of `0x00MMmmpp`
(`MM` - major, `mm` - minor, `pp` - patch). The number version can be used to check if version is greater or less
another version. The string version can be used to return to the user or print as logs.
This new API is provided to eval scripts and functions, it also possible to use this API during functions loading phase.
# Redis Function Libraries
This PR implements Redis Functions Libraries as describe on: https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/9906.
Libraries purpose is to provide a better code sharing between functions by allowing to create multiple
functions in a single command. Functions that were created together can safely share code between
each other without worrying about compatibility issues and versioning.
Creating a new library is done using 'FUNCTION LOAD' command (full API is described below)
This PR introduces a new struct called libraryInfo, libraryInfo holds information about a library:
* name - name of the library
* engine - engine used to create the library
* code - library code
* description - library description
* functions - the functions exposed by the library
When Redis gets the `FUNCTION LOAD` command it creates a new empty libraryInfo.
Redis passes the `CODE` to the relevant engine alongside the empty libraryInfo.
As a result, the engine will create one or more functions by calling 'libraryCreateFunction'.
The new funcion will be added to the newly created libraryInfo. So far Everything is happening
locally on the libraryInfo so it is easy to abort the operation (in case of an error) by simply
freeing the libraryInfo. After the library info is fully constructed we start the joining phase by
which we will join the new library to the other libraries currently exist on Redis.
The joining phase make sure there is no function collision and add the library to the
librariesCtx (renamed from functionCtx). LibrariesCtx is used all around the code in the exact
same way as functionCtx was used (with respect to RDB loading, replicatio, ...).
The only difference is that apart from function dictionary (maps function name to functionInfo
object), the librariesCtx contains also a libraries dictionary that maps library name to libraryInfo object.
## New API
Create a new library with the given parameters:
* ENGINE - REPLACE Engine name to use to create the library.
* LIBRARY NAME - The new library name.
* REPLACE - If the library already exists, replace it.
* DESCRIPTION - Library description.
* CODE - Library code.
Return "OK" on success, or error on the following cases:
* Library name already taken and REPLACE was not used
* Name collision with another existing library (even if replace was uses)
* Library registration failed by the engine (usually compilation error)
## Changed API
Command was modified to also allow getting libraries code (so `FUNCTION INFO` command is no longer
needed and removed). In addition the command gets an option argument, `LIBRARYNAME` allows you to
only get libraries that match the given `LIBRARYNAME` pattern. By default, it returns all libraries.
Added number of libraries to `INFO MEMORY`
### Commands flags
`DENYOOM` flag was set on `FUNCTION LOAD` and `FUNCTION RESTORE`. We consider those commands
as commands that add new data to the dateset (functions are data) and so we want to disallows
to run those commands on OOM.
## Removed API
* FUNCTION CREATE - Decided on https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/9906
* FUNCTION INFO - Decided on https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/9899
## Lua engine changes
When the Lua engine gets the code given on `FUNCTION LOAD` command, it immediately runs it, we call
this run the loading run. Loading run is not a usual script run, it is not possible to invoke any
Redis command from within the load run.
Instead there is a new API provided by `library` object. The new API's:
* `redis.log` - behave the same as `redis.log`
* `redis.register_function` - register a new function to the library
The loading run purpose is to register functions using the new `redis.register_function` API.
Any attempt to use any other API will result in an error. In addition, the load run is has a time
limit of 500ms, error is raise on timeout and the entire operation is aborted.
### `redis.register_function`
`redis.register_function(<function_name>, <callback>, [<description>])`
This new API allows users to register a new function that will be linked to the newly created library.
This API can only be called during the load run (see definition above). Any attempt to use it outside
of the load run will result in an error.
The parameters pass to the API are:
* function_name - Function name (must be a Lua string)
* callback - Lua function object that will be called when the function is invokes using fcall/fcall_ro
* description - Function description, optional (must be a Lua string).
### Example
The following example creates a library called `lib` with 2 functions, `f1` and `f1`, returns 1 and 2 respectively:
local function f1(keys, args)
return 1
local function f2(keys, args)
return 2
redis.register_function('f1', f1)
redis.register_function('f2', f2)
Notice: Unlike `eval`, functions inside a library get the KEYS and ARGV as arguments to the
functions and not as global.
### Technical Details
On the load run we only want the user to be able to call a white list on API's. This way, in
the future, if new API's will be added, the new API's will not be available to the load run
unless specifically added to this white list. We put the while list on the `library` object and
make sure the `library` object is only available to the load run by using [lua_setfenv](https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_setfenv) API. This API allows us to set
the `globals` of a function (and all the function it creates). Before starting the load run we
create a new fresh Lua table (call it `g`) that only contains the `library` API (we make sure
to set global protection on this table just like the general global protection already exists
today), then we use [lua_setfenv](https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_setfenv)
to set `g` as the global table of the load run. After the load run finished we update `g`
metatable and set `__index` and `__newindex` functions to be `_G` (Lua default globals),
we also pop out the `library` object as we do not need it anymore.
This way, any function that was created on the load run (and will be invoke using `fcall`) will
see the default globals as it expected to see them and will not have the `library` API anymore.
An important outcome of this new approach is that now we can achieve a distinct global table
for each library (it is not yet like that but it is very easy to achieve it now). In the future we can
decide to remove global protection because global on different libraries will not collide or we
can chose to give different API to different libraries base on some configuration or input.
Notice that this technique was meant to prevent errors and was not meant to prevent malicious
user from exploit it. For example, the load run can still save the `library` object on some local
variable and then using in `fcall` context. To prevent such a malicious use, the C code also make
sure it is running in the right context and if not raise an error.
Follow the conclusions to support Functions in redis cluster (#9899)
Added 2 new FUNCTION sub-commands:
1. `FUNCTION DUMP` - dump a binary payload representation of all the functions.
2. `FUNCTION RESTORE <PAYLOAD> [FLUSH|APPEND|REPLACE]` - give the binary payload extracted
using `FUNCTION DUMP`, restore all the functions on the given payload. Restore policy can be given to
control how to handle existing functions (default is APPEND):
* FLUSH: delete all existing functions.
* APPEND: appends the restored functions to the existing functions. On collision, abort.
* REPLACE: appends the restored functions to the existing functions. On collision,
replace the old function with the new function.
Modify `redis-cli --cluster add-node` to use `FUNCTION DUMP` to get existing functions from
one of the nodes in the cluster, and `FUNCTION RESTORE` to load the same set of functions
to the new node. `redis-cli` will execute this step before sending the `CLUSTER MEET` command
to the new node. If `FUNCTION DUMP` returns an error, assume the current Redis version do not
support functions and skip `FUNCTION RESTORE`. If `FUNCTION RESTORE` fails, abort and do not send
the `CLUSTER MEET` command. If the new node already contains functions (before the `FUNCTION RESTORE`
is sent), abort and do not add the node to the cluster. Test was added to verify
`redis-cli --cluster add-node` works as expected.
Following #9483 the daily CI exposed a few problems.
* The cluster creation code (uses redis-cli) is complicated to test with TLS enabled.
for now i'm just skipping them since the tests we run there don't really need that kind of coverage
* cluster port binding failures
note that `find_available_port` already looks for a free cluster port
but the code in `wait_server_started` couldn't detect the failure of binding
(the text it greps for wasn't found in the log)
Prevent clients from being blocked forever in cluster when they block with their own module command
and the hash slot is migrated to another master at the same time.
These will get a redirection message when unblocked.
Also, release clients blocked on module commands when cluster is down (same as other blocked clients)
This commit adds basic tests for the main (non-cluster) redis test infra that test the cluster.
This was done because the cluster test infra can't handle some common test features,
but most importantly we only build the test modules with the non-cluster test suite.
note that rather than really supporting cluster operations by the test infra, it was added (as dup code)
in two files, one for module tests and one for non-modules tests, maybe in the future we'll refactor that.
Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <oran@redislabs.com>