The MacOS CI in github actions often hangs without any logs. GH argues that
it's due to resource utilization, either running out of disk space, memory, or CPU
starvation, and thus the runner is terminated.
This PR contains multiple attempts to resolve this:
1. introducing pause_process instead of SIGSTOP, which waits for the process
to stop before resuming the test, possibly resolving race conditions in some tests,
this was a suspect since there was one test that could result in an infinite loop in that
case, in practice this didn't help, but still a good idea to keep.
2. disable the `save` config in many tests that don't need it, specifically ones that use
heavy writes and could create large files.
3. change the `populate` proc to use short pipeline rather than an infinite one.
4. use `--clients 1` in the macos CI so that we don't risk running multiple resource
demanding tests in parallel.
5. enable `--verbose` to be repeated to elevate verbosity and print more info to stdout
when a test or a server starts.
To avoid data loss, this commit adds a grace period for lagging replicas to
catch up the replication offset.
* Wait for replicas when shutdown is triggered by SIGTERM and SIGINT.
* Wait for replicas when shutdown is triggered by the SHUTDOWN command. A new
blocked client type BLOCKED_SHUTDOWN is introduced, allowing multiple clients
to call SHUTDOWN in parallel.
Note that they don't expect a response unless an error happens and shutdown is aborted.
* Log warning for each replica lagging behind when finishing shutdown.
* CLIENT_PAUSE_WRITE while waiting for replicas.
* Configurable grace period 'shutdown-timeout' in seconds (default 10).
* New flags for the SHUTDOWN command:
- NOW disables the grace period for lagging replicas.
- FORCE ignores errors writing the RDB or AOF files which would normally
prevent a shutdown.
- ABORT cancels ongoing shutdown. Can't be combined with other flags.
* New field in the output of the INFO command: 'shutdown_in_milliseconds'. The
value is the remaining maximum time to wait for lagging replicas before
finishing the shutdown. This field is present in the Server section **only**
during shutdown.
Not directly related:
* When shutting down, if there is an AOF saving child, it is killed **even** if AOF
is disabled. This can happen if BGREWRITEAOF is used when AOF is off.
* Client pause now has end time and type (WRITE or ALL) per purpose. The
different pause purposes are *CLIENT PAUSE command*, *failover* and
*shutdown*. If clients are unpaused for one purpose, it doesn't affect client
pause for other purposes. For example, the CLIENT UNPAUSE command doesn't
affect client pause initiated by the failover or shutdown procedures. A completed
failover or a failed shutdown doesn't unpause clients paused by the CLIENT
PAUSE command.
* DEBUG RESTART doesn't wait for replicas.
* We already have a warning logged when a replica disconnects. This means that
if any replica connection is lost during the shutdown, it is either logged as
disconnected or as lagging at the time of exit.
Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>