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Module Configurations (#10285) This feature adds the ability to add four different types (Bool, Numeric, String, Enum) of configurations to a module to be accessed via the redis config file, and the CONFIG command. **Configuration Names**: We impose a restriction that a module configuration always starts with the module name and contains a '.' followed by the config name. If a module passes "config1" as the name to a register function, it will be registered as MODULENAME.config1. **Configuration Persistence**: Module Configurations exist only as long as a module is loaded. If a module is unloaded, the configurations are removed. There is now also a minimal core API for removal of standardConfig objects from configs by name. **Get and Set Callbacks**: Storage of config values is owned by the module that registers them, and provides callbacks for Redis to access and manipulate the values. This is exposed through a GET and SET callback. The get callback returns a typed value of the config to redis. The callback takes the name of the configuration, and also a privdata pointer. Note that these only take the CONFIGNAME portion of the config, not the entire MODULENAME.CONFIGNAME. ``` typedef RedisModuleString * (*RedisModuleConfigGetStringFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); typedef long long (*RedisModuleConfigGetNumericFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigGetBoolFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigGetEnumFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); ``` Configs must also must specify a set callback, i.e. what to do on a CONFIG SET XYZ 123 or when loading configurations from cli/.conf file matching these typedefs. *name* is again just the CONFIGNAME portion, *val* is the parsed value from the core, *privdata* is the registration time privdata pointer, and *err* is for providing errors to a client. ``` typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetStringFunc)(const char *name, RedisModuleString *val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetNumericFunc)(const char *name, long long val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetBoolFunc)(const char *name, int val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetEnumFunc)(const char *name, int val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); ``` Modules can also specify an optional apply callback that will be called after value(s) have been set via CONFIG SET: ``` typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); ``` **Flags:** We expose 7 new flags to the module, which are used as part of the config registration. ``` #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_MODIFIABLE 0 /* This is the default for a module config. */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_IMMUTABLE (1ULL<<0) /* Can this value only be set at startup? */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_SENSITIVE (1ULL<<1) /* Does this value contain sensitive information */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_HIDDEN (1ULL<<4) /* This config is hidden in `config get <pattern>` (used for tests/debugging) */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_PROTECTED (1ULL<<5) /* Becomes immutable if enable-protected-configs is enabled. */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_DENY_LOADING (1ULL<<6) /* This config is forbidden during loading. */ /* Numeric Specific Configs */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_MEMORY (1ULL<<7) /* Indicates if this value can be set as a memory value */ ``` **Module Registration APIs**: ``` int (*RedisModule_RegisterBoolConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, char *name, int default_val, unsigned int flags, RedisModuleConfigGetBoolFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetBoolFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_RegisterNumericConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *name, long long default_val, unsigned int flags, long long min, long long max, RedisModuleConfigGetNumericFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetNumericFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_RegisterStringConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *name, const char *default_val, unsigned int flags, RedisModuleConfigGetStringFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetStringFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_RegisterEnumConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *name, int default_val, unsigned int flags, const char **enum_values, const int *int_values, int num_enum_vals, RedisModuleConfigGetEnumFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetEnumFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_LoadConfigs)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx); ``` The module name will be auto appended along with a "." to the front of the name of the config. **What RM_Register[...]Config does**: A RedisModule struct now keeps a list of ModuleConfig objects which look like: ``` typedef struct ModuleConfig { sds name; /* Name of config without the module name appended to the front */ void *privdata; /* Optional data passed into the module config callbacks */ union get_fn { /* The get callback specificed by the module */ RedisModuleConfigGetStringFunc get_string; RedisModuleConfigGetNumericFunc get_numeric; RedisModuleConfigGetBoolFunc get_bool; RedisModuleConfigGetEnumFunc get_enum; } get_fn; union set_fn { /* The set callback specified by the module */ RedisModuleConfigSetStringFunc set_string; RedisModuleConfigSetNumericFunc set_numeric; RedisModuleConfigSetBoolFunc set_bool; RedisModuleConfigSetEnumFunc set_enum; } set_fn; RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc apply_fn; RedisModule *module; } ModuleConfig; ``` It also registers a standardConfig in the configs array, with a pointer to the ModuleConfig object associated with it. **What happens on a CONFIG GET/SET MODULENAME.MODULECONFIG:** For CONFIG SET, we do the same parsing as is done in config.c and pass that as the argument to the module set callback. For CONFIG GET, we call the module get callback and return that value to config.c to return to a client. **CONFIG REWRITE**: Starting up a server with module configurations in a .conf file but no module load directive will fail. The flip side is also true, specifying a module load and a bunch of module configurations will load those configurations in using the module defined set callbacks on a RM_LoadConfigs call. Configs being rewritten works the same way as it does for standard configs, as the module has the ability to specify a default value. If a module is unloaded with configurations specified in the .conf file those configurations will be commented out from the .conf file on the next config rewrite. **RM_LoadConfigs:** `RedisModule_LoadConfigs(RedisModuleCtx *ctx);` This last API is used to make configs available within the onLoad() after they have been registered. The expected usage is that a module will register all of its configs, then call LoadConfigs to trigger all of the set callbacks, and then can error out if any of them were malformed. LoadConfigs will attempt to set all configs registered to either a .conf file argument/loadex argument or their default value if an argument is not specified. **LoadConfigs is a required function if configs are registered. ** Also note that LoadConfigs **does not** call the apply callbacks, but a module can do that directly after the LoadConfigs call. **New Command: MODULE LOADEX [CONFIG NAME VALUE] [ARGS ...]:** This command provides the ability to provide startup context information to a module. LOADEX stands for "load extended" similar to GETEX. Note that provided config names need the full MODULENAME.MODULECONFIG name. Any additional arguments a module might want are intended to be specified after ARGS. Everything after ARGS is passed to onLoad as RedisModuleString **argv. Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: sundb <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <> Co-authored-by: Yossi Gottlieb <>
2022-03-30 08:47:06 -04:00
set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/]
set testmoduletwo [file normalize tests/modules/]
start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
r module load $testmodule
test {Config get commands work} {
# Make sure config get module config works
assert_equal [lindex [lindex [r module list] 0] 1] moduleconfigs
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.immutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.immutable_bool no"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 1024"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string {secret password}"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum one"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -1"
test {Config set commands work} {
# Make sure that config sets work during runtime
r config set moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no"
r config set moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 1mb
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 1048576"
r config set moduleconfigs.string wafflewednesdays
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string wafflewednesdays"
r config set moduleconfigs.string \x73\x75\x70\x65\x72\x20\x00\x73\x65\x63\x72\x65\x74\x20\x70\x61\x73\x73\x77\x6f\x72\x64
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string {super \0secret password}"
r config set moduleconfigs.enum two
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum two"
r config set moduleconfigs.numeric -2
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -2"
test {Immutable flag works properly and rejected strings dont leak} {
# Configs flagged immutable should not allow sets
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.immutable_bool yes]} e
assert_match {*can't set immutable config*} $e
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.string rejectisfreed]} e
assert_match {*Cannot set string to 'rejectisfreed'*} $e
test {Numeric limits work properly} {
# Configs over/under the limit shouldn't be allowed, and memory configs should only take memory values
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 200gb]} e
assert_match {*argument must be between*} $e
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.memory_numeric -5]} e
assert_match {*argument must be a memory value*} $e
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.numeric -10]} e
assert_match {*argument must be between*} $e
test {Enums only able to be set to passed in values} {
# Module authors specify what values are valid for enums, check that only those values are ok on a set
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.enum four]} e
assert_match {*argument must be one of the following*} $e
test {Unload removes module configs} {
r module unload moduleconfigs
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.*] ""
r module load $testmodule
# these should have reverted back to their module specified values
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.immutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.immutable_bool no"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 1024"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string {secret password}"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum one"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -1"
r module unload moduleconfigs
test {test loadex functionality} {
r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no CONFIG moduleconfigs.immutable_bool yes CONFIG moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 2mb CONFIG moduleconfigs.string tclortickle
assert_equal [lindex [lindex [r module list] 0] 1] moduleconfigs
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.immutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.immutable_bool yes"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 2097152"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string tclortickle"
# Configs that were not changed should still be their module specified value
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum one"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -1"
test {apply function works} {
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes]} e
assert_match {*Bool configs*} $e
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no"
catch {[r config set moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 1000 moduleconfigs.numeric 1000]} e
assert_match {*cannot equal*} $e
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 2097152"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -1"
r module unload moduleconfigs
test {test double config argument to loadex} {
r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes CONFIG moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no"
r module unload moduleconfigs
test {missing loadconfigs call} {
catch {[r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.string "cool" ARGS noload]} e
assert_match {*ERR*} $e
test {test loadex rejects bad configs} {
# Bad config 200gb is over the limit
catch {[r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 200gb ARGS]} e
assert_match {*ERR*} $e
# We should completely remove all configs on a failed load
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.*] ""
# No value for config, should error out
catch {[r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.mutable_bool CONFIG moduleconfigs.enum two ARGS]} e
assert_match {*ERR*} $e
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.*] ""
# Asan will catch this if this string is not freed
catch {[r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.string rejectisfreed]}
assert_match {*ERR*} $e
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.*] ""
# test we can't set random configs
catch {[r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG maxclients 333]}
assert_match {*ERR*} $e
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.*] ""
assert_not_equal [r config get maxclients] "maxclients 333"
# test we can't set other module's configs
r module load $testmoduletwo
catch {[r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG configs.test no]}
assert_match {*ERR*} $e
assert_equal [r config get configs.test] "configs.test yes"
r module unload configs
test {test config rewrite with dynamic load} {
#translates to: super \0secret password
r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.string \x73\x75\x70\x65\x72\x20\x00\x73\x65\x63\x72\x65\x74\x20\x70\x61\x73\x73\x77\x6f\x72\x64 ARGS
assert_equal [lindex [lindex [r module list] 0] 1] moduleconfigs
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string {super \0secret password}"
r config set moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes
r config set moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 750
r config set moduleconfigs.enum two
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
# Ensure configs we rewrote are present and that the conf file is readable
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 750"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string {super \0secret password}"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum two"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -1"
r module unload moduleconfigs
test {test multiple modules with configs} {
r module load $testmodule
r module loadex $testmoduletwo CONFIG configs.test yes
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.immutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.immutable_bool no"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 1024"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string {secret password}"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum one"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -1"
assert_equal [r config get configs.test] "configs.test yes"
r config set moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no
r config set moduleconfigs.string nice
r config set moduleconfigs.enum two
r config set configs.test no
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string nice"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum two"
assert_equal [r config get configs.test] "configs.test no"
r config rewrite
# test we can load from conf file with multiple different modules.
restart_server 0 true false
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool no"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string nice"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum two"
assert_equal [r config get configs.test] "configs.test no"
r module unload moduleconfigs
r module unload configs
test {test 1.module load 2.config rewrite 3.module unload 4.config rewrite works} {
# Configs need to be removed from the old config file in this case.
r module loadex $testmodule CONFIG moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 500 ARGS
assert_equal [lindex [lindex [r module list] 0] 1] moduleconfigs
r config rewrite
r module unload moduleconfigs
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
# Ensure configs we rewrote are no longer present
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.*] ""
test {startup moduleconfigs} {
# No loadmodule directive
set nomodload [start_server [list overrides [list moduleconfigs.string "hello"]]]
wait_for_condition 100 50 {
! [is_alive $nomodload]
} else {
fail "startup should've failed with no load and module configs supplied"
set stdout [dict get $nomodload stdout]
assert_equal [count_message_lines $stdout "Module Configuration detected without loadmodule directive or no ApplyConfig call: aborting"] 1
# Bad config value
set badconfig [start_server [list overrides [list loadmodule "$testmodule" moduleconfigs.string "rejectisfreed"]]]
wait_for_condition 100 50 {
! [is_alive $badconfig]
} else {
fail "startup with bad moduleconfigs should've failed"
set stdout [dict get $badconfig stdout]
assert_equal [count_message_lines $stdout "Issue during loading of configuration moduleconfigs.string : Cannot set string to 'rejectisfreed'"] 1
set noload [start_server [list overrides [list loadmodule "$testmodule noload" moduleconfigs.string "hello"]]]
wait_for_condition 100 50 {
! [is_alive $noload]
} else {
fail "startup with moduleconfigs and no loadconfigs call should've failed"
set stdout [dict get $noload stdout]
assert_equal [count_message_lines $stdout "Module Configurations were not set, likely a missing LoadConfigs call. Unloading the module."] 1
start_server [list overrides [list loadmodule "$testmodule" moduleconfigs.string "bootedup" moduleconfigs.enum two]] {
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.string] "moduleconfigs.string bootedup"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.mutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.mutable_bool yes"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.immutable_bool] "moduleconfigs.immutable_bool no"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.enum] "moduleconfigs.enum two"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.numeric] "moduleconfigs.numeric -1"
assert_equal [r config get moduleconfigs.memory_numeric] "moduleconfigs.memory_numeric 1024"