2022-02-05 11:40:09 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
2024-03-21 09:30:47 -04:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Redict Contributors
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# coding: utf-8
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
# gendoc.rb -- Converts the top-comments inside module.c to modules API
2018-07-01 01:24:50 -04:00
# reference documentation in markdown format.
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
# Convert the C comment to markdown
def markdown(s)
s = s.gsub(/\*\/$/,"")
2021-01-13 09:14:51 -05:00
s = s.gsub(/^ ?\* ?/,"")
s = s.gsub(/^\/\*\*? ?/,"")
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
s.chop! while s[-1] == "\n" || s[-1] == " "
2017-07-14 05:29:28 -04:00
lines = s.split("\n")
newlines = []
2022-06-21 10:00:24 -04:00
# Fix some markdown
2017-07-14 05:29:28 -04:00
2022-06-21 10:00:24 -04:00
# Rewrite RM_Xyz() to RedisModule_Xyz().
l = l.gsub(/(?<![A-Z_])RM_(?=[A-Z])/, 'RedisModule_')
# Fix more markdown, except in code blocks indented by 4 spaces, which we
# don't want to mess with.
2021-01-13 09:14:51 -05:00
if not l.start_with?(' ')
2021-01-20 04:47:06 -05:00
# Add backquotes around RedisModule functions and type where missing.
l = l.gsub(/(?<!`)RedisModule[A-z]+(?:\*?\(\))?/){|x| "`#{x}`"}
# Add backquotes around c functions like malloc() where missing.
2022-06-08 08:30:04 -04:00
l = l.gsub(/(?<![`A-z.])[a-z_]+\(\)/, '`\0`')
2021-01-20 04:47:06 -05:00
# Add backquotes around macro and var names containing underscores.
l = l.gsub(/(?<![`A-z\*])[A-Za-z]+_[A-Za-z0-9_]+/){|x| "`#{x}`"}
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# Link URLs preceded by space or newline (not already linked)
2021-04-19 14:35:14 -04:00
l = l.gsub(/(^| )(https?:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\/\.\-]+[A-Za-z0-9\/])/,
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# Replace double-dash with unicode ndash
l = l.gsub(/ -- /, ' – ')
2017-07-14 05:29:28 -04:00
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# Link function names to their definition within the page
l = l.gsub(/`(RedisModule_[A-z0-9]+)[()]*`/) {|x|
$index[$1] ? "[#{x}](\##{$1})" : x
2017-07-14 05:29:28 -04:00
newlines << l
return newlines.join("\n")
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# Linebreak a prototype longer than 80 characters on the commas, but only
# between balanced parentheses so that we don't linebreak args which are
# function pointers, and then aligning each arg under each other.
def linebreak_proto(proto, indent)
if proto.bytesize <= 80
return proto
parts = proto.split(/,\s*/);
if parts.length == 1
return proto;
align_pos = proto.index("(") + 1;
align = " " * align_pos
result = parts.shift;
bracket_balance = 0;
if bracket_balance == 0
result += ",\n" + indent + align
result += ", "
result += part
bracket_balance += part.count("(") - part.count(")")
return result;
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
# Given the source code array and the index at which an exported symbol was
# detected, extracts and outputs the documentation.
def docufy(src,i)
m = /RM_[A-z0-9]+/.match(src[i])
2017-07-14 05:29:28 -04:00
name = m[0]
name = name.sub("RM_","RedisModule_")
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
proto = src[i].sub("{","").strip+";\n"
2017-07-14 05:29:28 -04:00
proto = proto.sub("RM_","RedisModule_")
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
proto = linebreak_proto(proto, " ");
# Add a link target with the function name. (We don't trust the exact id of
# the generated one, which depends on the Markdown implementation.)
puts "<span id=\"#{name}\"></span>\n\n"
puts "### `#{name}`\n\n"
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
puts " #{proto}\n"
2022-05-03 03:34:18 -04:00
puts "**Available since:** #{$since[name] or "unreleased"}\n\n"
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
comment = ""
while true
i = i-1
comment = src[i]+comment
break if src[i] =~ /\/\*/
comment = markdown(comment)
puts comment+"\n\n"
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# Print a comment from line until */ is found, as markdown.
def section_doc(src, i)
name = get_section_heading(src, i)
comment = "<span id=\"#{section_name_to_id(name)}\"></span>\n\n"
while true
# append line, except if it's a horizontal divider
comment = comment + src[i] if src[i] !~ /^[\/ ]?\*{1,2} ?-{50,}/
break if src[i] =~ /\*\//
i = i+1
comment = markdown(comment)
puts comment+"\n\n"
# generates an id suitable for links within the page
def section_name_to_id(name)
return "section-" +
name.strip.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/, '-').gsub(/^-+|-+$/, '')
# Returns the name of the first section heading in the comment block for which
# is_section_doc(src, i) is true
def get_section_heading(src, i)
if src[i] =~ /^\/\*\*? \#+ *(.*)/
heading = $1
elsif src[i+1] =~ /^ ?\* \#+ *(.*)/
heading = $1
return heading.gsub(' -- ', ' – ')
# Returns true if the line is the start of a generic documentation section. Such
# section must start with the # symbol, i.e. a markdown heading, on the first or
# the second line.
def is_section_doc(src, i)
return src[i] =~ /^\/\*\*? \#/ ||
(src[i] =~ /^\/\*/ && src[i+1] =~ /^ ?\* \#/)
def is_func_line(src, i)
line = src[i]
return line =~ /RM_/ &&
line[0] != ' ' && line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '/' &&
src[i-1] =~ /\*\//
2022-04-28 01:16:20 -04:00
puts "---\n"
2022-05-03 03:34:18 -04:00
puts "title: \"Modules API reference\"\n"
puts "linkTitle: \"API reference\"\n"
2022-04-28 01:16:20 -04:00
puts "weight: 1\n"
puts "description: >\n"
puts " Reference for the Redis Modules API\n"
puts "aliases:\n"
puts " - /topics/modules-api-ref\n"
puts "---\n"
puts "\n"
2022-02-03 03:25:37 -05:00
puts "<!-- This file is generated from module.c using\n"
puts " utils/generate-module-api-doc.rb -->\n\n"
src = File.open(File.dirname(__FILE__) ++ "/../src/module.c").to_a
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# Build function index
$index = {}
src.each_with_index do |line,i|
if is_func_line(src, i)
line =~ /RM_([A-z0-9]+)/
name = "RedisModule_#{$1}"
$index[name] = true
2016-04-20 13:06:19 -04:00
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
2022-02-03 03:25:37 -05:00
# Populate the 'since' map (name => version) if we're in a git repo.
$since = {}
git_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) ++ "/../.git"
if File.directory?(git_dir) && `which git` != ""
`git --git-dir="#{git_dir}" tag --sort=v:refname`.each_line do |version|
next if version !~ /^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+?$/ || $1.to_i < 4
`git --git-dir="#{git_dir}" cat-file blob "#{version}:src/module.c"`.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^\w.*[ \*]RM_([A-z0-9]+)/
name = "RedisModule_#{$1}"
if ! $since[name]
$since[name] = version
2021-04-13 17:58:05 -04:00
# Print TOC
puts "## Sections\n\n"
src.each_with_index do |_line,i|
if is_section_doc(src, i)
name = get_section_heading(src, i)
puts "* [#{name}](\##{section_name_to_id(name)})\n"
puts "* [Function index](#section-function-index)\n\n"
# Docufy: Print function prototype and markdown docs
src.each_with_index do |_line,i|
if is_func_line(src, i)
docufy(src, i)
elsif is_section_doc(src, i)
section_doc(src, i)
# Print function index
puts "<span id=\"section-function-index\"></span>\n\n"
puts "## Function index\n\n"
$index.keys.sort.each{|x| puts "* [`#{x}`](\##{x})\n"}
puts "\n"