2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
proc get_links_with_peer {this_instance_id peer_nodename} {
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
set links [R $this_instance_id cluster links]
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
set links_with_peer {}
foreach l $links {
if {[dict get $l node] eq $peer_nodename} {
lappend links_with_peer $l
return $links_with_peer
# Return the entry in CLUSTER LINKS output by instance identified by `this_instance_id` that
# corresponds to the link established toward a peer identified by `peer_nodename`
proc get_link_to_peer {this_instance_id peer_nodename} {
set links_with_peer [get_links_with_peer $this_instance_id $peer_nodename]
foreach l $links_with_peer {
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
if {[dict get $l direction] eq "to"} {
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
return $l
return {}
# Return the entry in CLUSTER LINKS output by instance identified by `this_instance_id` that
# corresponds to the link accepted from a peer identified by `peer_nodename`
proc get_link_from_peer {this_instance_id peer_nodename} {
set links_with_peer [get_links_with_peer $this_instance_id $peer_nodename]
foreach l $links_with_peer {
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
if {[dict get $l direction] eq "from"} {
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
return $l
return {}
# Reset cluster links to their original state
proc reset_links {id} {
set limit [lindex [R $id CONFIG get cluster-link-sendbuf-limit] 1]
# Set a 1 byte limit and wait for cluster cron to run
# (executes every 100ms) and terminate links
R $id CONFIG SET cluster-link-sendbuf-limit 1
after 150
# Reset limit
R $id CONFIG SET cluster-link-sendbuf-limit $limit
# Wait until the cluster links come back up for each node
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[number_of_links $id] == [expr [number_of_peers $id] * 2]
} else {
fail "Cluster links did not come back up"
proc number_of_peers {id} {
expr [llength $::servers] - 1
proc number_of_links {id} {
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
llength [R $id cluster links]
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
proc publish_messages {server num_msgs msg_size} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_msgs} {incr i} {
$server PUBLISH channel [string repeat "x" $msg_size]
2023-02-02 09:06:24 -08:00
start_cluster 1 2 {tags {external:skip cluster}} {
set primary_id 0
set replica1_id 1
set primary [Rn $primary_id]
set replica1 [Rn $replica1_id]
test "Broadcast message across a cluster shard while a cluster link is down" {
set replica1_node_id [$replica1 CLUSTER MYID]
set channelname ch3
# subscribe on replica1
set subscribeclient1 [redis_deferring_client -1]
$subscribeclient1 deferred 1
$subscribeclient1 SSUBSCRIBE $channelname
$subscribeclient1 read
# subscribe on replica2
set subscribeclient2 [redis_deferring_client -2]
$subscribeclient2 deferred 1
$subscribeclient2 SSUBSCRIBE $channelname
$subscribeclient2 read
# Verify number of links with cluster stable state
assert_equal [expr [number_of_peers $primary_id]*2] [number_of_links $primary_id]
# Disconnect the cluster between primary and replica1 and publish a message.
$primary MULTI
$primary DEBUG CLUSTERLINK KILL TO $replica1_node_id
$primary SPUBLISH $channelname hello
set res [$primary EXEC]
# Verify no client exists on the primary to receive the published message.
assert_equal $res {OK 0}
# Wait for all the cluster links are healthy
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[number_of_peers $primary_id]*2 == [number_of_links $primary_id]
} else {
fail "All peer links couldn't be established"
# Publish a message afterwards.
$primary SPUBLISH $channelname world
# Verify replica1 has received only (world) / hello is lost.
assert_equal "smessage ch3 world" [$subscribeclient1 read]
# Verify replica2 has received both messages (hello/world)
assert_equal "smessage ch3 hello" [$subscribeclient2 read]
assert_equal "smessage ch3 world" [$subscribeclient2 read]
} {} {needs:debug}
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
start_cluster 3 0 {tags {external:skip cluster}} {
test "Each node has two links with each peer" {
for {set id 0} {$id < [llength $::servers]} {incr id} {
# Assert that from point of view of each node, there are two links for
# each peer. It might take a while for cluster to stabilize so wait up
# to 5 seconds.
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[number_of_peers $id]*2 == [number_of_links $id]
} else {
assert_equal [expr [number_of_peers $id]*2] [number_of_links $id]
set nodes [get_cluster_nodes $id]
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
set links [R $id cluster links]
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
# For each peer there should be exactly one
# link "to" it and one link "from" it.
foreach n $nodes {
if {[cluster_has_flag $n myself]} continue
set peer [dict get $n id]
set to 0
set from 0
foreach l $links {
if {[dict get $l node] eq $peer} {
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
if {[dict get $l direction] eq "to"} {
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
incr to
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
} elseif {[dict get $l direction] eq "from"} {
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
incr from
assert {$to eq 1}
assert {$from eq 1}
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
test {Validate cluster links format} {
set lines [R 0 cluster links]
foreach l $lines {
if {$l eq {}} continue
assert_equal [llength $l] 12
assert_equal 1 [dict exists $l "direction"]
assert_equal 1 [dict exists $l "node"]
assert_equal 1 [dict exists $l "create-time"]
assert_equal 1 [dict exists $l "events"]
assert_equal 1 [dict exists $l "send-buffer-allocated"]
assert_equal 1 [dict exists $l "send-buffer-used"]
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
set primary1_id 0
set primary2_id 1
set primary1 [Rn $primary1_id]
set primary2 [Rn $primary2_id]
test "Disconnect link when send buffer limit reached" {
# On primary1, set timeout to 1 hour so links won't get disconnected due to timeouts
set oldtimeout [lindex [$primary1 CONFIG get cluster-node-timeout] 1]
$primary1 CONFIG set cluster-node-timeout [expr 60*60*1000]
# Get primary1's links with primary2
set primary2_name [dict get [cluster_get_myself $primary2_id] id]
set orig_link_p1_to_p2 [get_link_to_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
set orig_link_p1_from_p2 [get_link_from_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
# On primary1, set cluster link send buffer limit to 256KB, which is large enough to not be
# overflowed by regular gossip messages but also small enough that it doesn't take too much
# memory to overflow it. If it is set too high, Redis may get OOM killed by kernel before this
# limit is overflowed in some RAM-limited test environments.
set oldlimit [lindex [$primary1 CONFIG get cluster-link-sendbuf-limit] 1]
$primary1 CONFIG set cluster-link-sendbuf-limit [expr 256*1024]
assert {[CI $primary1_id total_cluster_links_buffer_limit_exceeded] eq 0}
# To manufacture an ever-growing send buffer from primary1 to primary2,
# make primary2 unresponsive.
set primary2_pid [srv [expr -1*$primary2_id] pid]
Attempt to solve MacOS CI issues in GH Actions (#12013)
The MacOS CI in github actions often hangs without any logs. GH argues that
it's due to resource utilization, either running out of disk space, memory, or CPU
starvation, and thus the runner is terminated.
This PR contains multiple attempts to resolve this:
1. introducing pause_process instead of SIGSTOP, which waits for the process
to stop before resuming the test, possibly resolving race conditions in some tests,
this was a suspect since there was one test that could result in an infinite loop in that
case, in practice this didn't help, but still a good idea to keep.
2. disable the `save` config in many tests that don't need it, specifically ones that use
heavy writes and could create large files.
3. change the `populate` proc to use short pipeline rather than an infinite one.
4. use `--clients 1` in the macos CI so that we don't risk running multiple resource
demanding tests in parallel.
5. enable `--verbose` to be repeated to elevate verbosity and print more info to stdout
when a test or a server starts.
2023-04-12 09:19:21 +03:00
pause_process $primary2_pid
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
# On primary1, send 128KB Pubsub messages in a loop until the send buffer of the link from
# primary1 to primary2 exceeds buffer limit therefore be dropped.
# For the send buffer to grow, we need to first exhaust TCP send buffer of primary1 and TCP
# receive buffer of primary2 first. The sizes of these two buffers vary by OS, but 100 128KB
# messages should be sufficient.
set i 0
wait_for_condition 100 0 {
[catch {incr i} e] == 0 &&
[catch {$primary1 publish channel [prepare_value [expr 128*1024]]} e] == 0 &&
[catch {after 500} e] == 0 &&
[CI $primary1_id total_cluster_links_buffer_limit_exceeded] >= 1
} else {
fail "Cluster link not freed as expected"
# A new link to primary2 should have been recreated
set new_link_p1_to_p2 [get_link_to_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
assert {[dict get $new_link_p1_to_p2 create-time] > [dict get $orig_link_p1_to_p2 create-time]}
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
# Link from primary2 should not be affected
set same_link_p1_from_p2 [get_link_from_peer $primary1_id $primary2_name]
2022-11-27 09:16:16 -08:00
assert {[dict get $same_link_p1_from_p2 create-time] eq [dict get $orig_link_p1_from_p2 create-time]}
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
# Revive primary2
Attempt to solve MacOS CI issues in GH Actions (#12013)
The MacOS CI in github actions often hangs without any logs. GH argues that
it's due to resource utilization, either running out of disk space, memory, or CPU
starvation, and thus the runner is terminated.
This PR contains multiple attempts to resolve this:
1. introducing pause_process instead of SIGSTOP, which waits for the process
to stop before resuming the test, possibly resolving race conditions in some tests,
this was a suspect since there was one test that could result in an infinite loop in that
case, in practice this didn't help, but still a good idea to keep.
2. disable the `save` config in many tests that don't need it, specifically ones that use
heavy writes and could create large files.
3. change the `populate` proc to use short pipeline rather than an infinite one.
4. use `--clients 1` in the macos CI so that we don't risk running multiple resource
demanding tests in parallel.
5. enable `--verbose` to be repeated to elevate verbosity and print more info to stdout
when a test or a server starts.
2023-04-12 09:19:21 +03:00
resume_process $primary2_pid
2022-11-01 22:26:44 -04:00
# Reset configs on primary1 so config changes don't leak out to other tests
$primary1 CONFIG set cluster-node-timeout $oldtimeout
$primary1 CONFIG set cluster-link-sendbuf-limit $oldlimit
reset_links $primary1_id
test "Link memory increases with publishes" {
set server_id 0
set server [Rn $server_id]
set msg_size 10000
set num_msgs 10
# Remove any sendbuf limit
$primary1 CONFIG set cluster-link-sendbuf-limit 0
# Publish ~100KB to one of the servers
$server MULTI
$server INFO memory
publish_messages $server $num_msgs $msg_size
$server INFO memory
set res [$server EXEC]
set link_mem_before_pubs [getInfoProperty $res mem_cluster_links]
# Remove the first half of the response string which contains the
# first "INFO memory" results and search for the property again
set res [string range $res [expr [string length $res] / 2] end]
set link_mem_after_pubs [getInfoProperty $res mem_cluster_links]
# We expect the memory to have increased by more than
# the culmulative size of the publish messages
set mem_diff_floor [expr $msg_size * $num_msgs]
set mem_diff [expr $link_mem_after_pubs - $link_mem_before_pubs]
assert {$mem_diff > $mem_diff_floor}
# Reset links to ensure no leftover data for the next test
reset_links $server_id
test "Link memory resets after publish messages flush" {
set server [Rn 0]
set msg_size 100000
set num_msgs 10
set link_mem_before [status $server mem_cluster_links]
# Publish ~1MB to one of the servers
$server MULTI
publish_messages $server $num_msgs $msg_size
$server EXEC
# Wait until the cluster link memory has returned to below the pre-publish value.
# We can't guarantee it returns to the exact same value since gossip messages
# can cause the values to fluctuate.
wait_for_condition 1000 500 {
[status $server mem_cluster_links] <= $link_mem_before
} else {
fail "Cluster link memory did not settle back to expected range"