import math2d import entity import pygame import idevice import gui_manager class Pane(object): deadZone = 0.1 def __init__(self, inputObject, worldPos, moverSpriteDBase, dimensions, world, appPtr, paneScreenPos, paneNum): self.appPtr = appPtr = world self.paneNum = paneNum self.idevice = inputObject # Something derived from # idevice.IDevice self.surface = pygame.Surface(dimensions) self.cameraPos = worldPos - math2d.Vector2(dimensions[0]/2, dimensions[1]/2) self.player = entity.Player(worldPos, "Human", moverSpriteDBase, appPtr.soundeffects) self.visibleObjects = [] self.traps = [] self.trapCheckList = [self.player] #self.GManager = gui_manager.GUI_Manager() for enemy in world.enemies: self.trapCheckList.append(enemy) self.paneScreenPos = paneScreenPos def render(self, allPanes): self.surface.fill((0,0,0)) # FOR NOW, until a Game Over screen is created, the screen will be BLACK for any player that is dead to another player if self.player.state != 2: # The player is ALIVE, self.cameraPos) for i in range(self.surface.get_height() // + 4): yOffset = 0 - (self.cameraPos[1] % alphaTiles = [] for obj in self.visibleObjects: if yOffset + (32 * i) <= (obj.pos[1]+32) - self.cameraPos[1] < yOffset + (32 * (i + 1)): alphaTiles.append(obj.pos[0]//32) obj.render(self.surface, self.cameraPos) for tamborine in allPanes: if yOffset + (32 * i) <= (tamborine.player.pos[1]+32) - tamborine.cameraPos[1] < yOffset + (32 * (i + 1)): alphaTiles.append(tamborine.player.pos[0]//32) tamborine.player.render(self.surface, self.cameraPos) #This section (calculating and drawing the red line) somehow uses up 14-18% of the entire game's resources. ## if tamborine == self: ## p = math2d.VectorN((tamborine.player.pos[0], tamborine.player.pos[1] - 20)) ## m = p ## if isinstance(self.idevice, idevice.Keyboard): ## mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #This code draws a line from player towards the mouse or ANALog position, ## m = math2d.VectorN((mx + tamborine.cameraPos[0], my + tamborine.cameraPos[1])) #making it easier to see where you are facing ## a = m - p ## if a.length() > 100: #If direction from player to mouse is too long, the line is shortened ## a = a.normalized() ## q = p + (a * 100) ## else: ## q = m ## else: ## q = p + 100 * math2d.VectorN((self.idevice.gamepad.get_axis(4), \ ## self.idevice.gamepad.get_axis(3))) ## ## pygame.draw.line(self.surface, (255,0,0), (p[0] - tamborine.cameraPos[0], p[1] - tamborine.cameraPos[1]), (q[0] - tamborine.cameraPos[0], q[1] - tamborine.cameraPos[1]) , 1), yOffset + (32 * i) + self.cameraPos[1], self.cameraPos, alphaTiles) def update(self, dT, eList, world, app): if self.player.state == 2: = 0 # If the player is dead, keep the player's health at 0 self.player.curFrame = 4 if self.player.state != 2: # The player is ALIVE. # This is already being called in Application -- we DON'T want to do it here... #self.idevice.update(eList, app) if isinstance(self.idevice, idevice.Keyboard): mx, my = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mx -= self.paneScreenPos[0] my -= self.paneScreenPos[1] #gui_manager.GUI_Manager.getMousePos(self, mx, my) dx = (mx + self.cameraPos[0]) - self.player.pos[0] dy = (my + self.cameraPos[1]) - self.player.pos[1] else: dx = self.idevice.gamepad.get_axis(4) dy = self.idevice.gamepad.get_axis(3) if dx > 0 and abs(dx) > abs(dy): #Direction Key: self.player.changeDrawDirection(1) #0 = West #1 = East if dx <= 0 and abs(dx) > abs(dy): #2 = North self.player.changeDrawDirection(0) #3 = South if dy < 0 and abs(dy) >= abs(dx): self.player.changeDrawDirection(2) self.player.changeAction(0) if dy > 0 and abs(dy) >= abs(dx): self.player.changeDrawDirection(3) self.player.changeAction(0) if abs(self.idevice.horiz) <= Pane.deadZone and abs(self.idevice.vert) <= Pane.deadZone: self.player.changeAction(3) if not abs(self.idevice.horiz) <= Pane.deadZone and abs(self.idevice.vert) <= Pane.deadZone: self.player.changeAction(0) if self.idevice.actions["attack"] == True: self.player.attack(self.visibleObjects) #May cause an error later. "attack" passes ^world, "pattack" does not if self.idevice.actions["pattack"] == True: self.player.p_attack(self.visibleObjects) # Notify the player that they should move. Do isSpotWalkable here??? self.player.onMove(dT, self.idevice.horiz, self.idevice.vert, self.player.update(dT, self.visibleObjects, surfCenter = math2d.Vector2(self.surface.get_width()/2, self.surface.get_height()/2) self.player.pos = math2d.Vector2(self.player.pos[0], self.player.pos[1]) self.cameraPos = self.player.pos - surfCenter if self.cameraPos[0] < 0: self.cameraPos[0] = 0 elif self.cameraPos[0] > * 32 - self.surface.get_width(): self.cameraPos[0] = * 32 - self.surface.get_width() if self.cameraPos[1] < 0: self.cameraPos[1] = 0 elif self.cameraPos[1] > ( * 32 - self.surface.get_height()): self.cameraPos[1] = ( * 32 - self.surface.get_height()) # Add enemies to the list of visible objects if they are within/near the camera boundaries # Note: This will NOT add another player to the list yet # This needs to be reworked, if possible - it is extremely inefficient self.visibleObjects = [] for enemy in if self.cameraPos[0] - 100 <= enemy.pos[0] <= self.cameraPos[0] + self.surface.get_width() + 100: self.visibleObjects.append(enemy) for item in if self.cameraPos[0] - 100 <= item.pos[0] <= self.cameraPos[0] + self.surface.get_width() + 100: self.visibleObjects.append(item) # You can access the list of panes by self.appPtr.panes # You can access the player within a pane like self.appPtr.panes[0].player for pane in self.appPtr.panes: players = pane.player if self != players and self.cameraPos[0] - 100 <= players.pos[0] <= self.cameraPos[0] + self.surface.get_width() + 100: self.visibleObjects.append(players) # See if the player is touching the enemy. self.player.walkEnemyDmg(self.visibleObjects) self.player.walkLootCheck(self.visibleObjects)