import pygame import math2d import math import pane import soundDataBase import BigDict # 16, 716 class GUI_Manager(object): def __init__(self, app): self.appPtr = app self.mode = "title" # 'menu', 'credits', 'options', self.selectionV = 1 # 'create', 'game','input', 'title' self.selectionH = 2 self.width=4 self.height=5 self.playernum=1 self.soundfx=1 self.played = False self.compassAngle = 50.0 self.pAttackColor = (0,0,255) self.amongTheLiving = [] self.mapping = [] # Font objects/ images. button_dic={"creditsButB":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Credits_Black.png"),"creditsButR":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Credits_Red.png"),\ "optionsButB":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Options_Black.png"),"optionsButR":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Options_Red.png"),\ "ngamebutB":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\NewGame_Black.png"),"ngamebutR":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\NewGame_Red.png"),\ "LArrowB":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\leftArrow_Black.png"),"LArrowR":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\leftArrow_Red.png"),\ "RArrowR":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\rightArrow_Red.png"),"RArrowB":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\rightArrow_Black.png"),\ "startButB":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Start_Black.png"),"startButR": pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Start_Red.png"),\ "backButB":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Back_Black.png"),"backButR":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\Back_Red.png")} menu_dic={"main":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\MainMenu.png"),"create":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\newgame.png"),"options":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\options.png"),"title":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\titlescreen.png")} screen_dic={"player 2":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\twoPlayer_Split.png"),"player 4":pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\fourPlayer_Split.png")} compass_dic={"compassNeedle":pygame.image.load("imgs\\pickup items\\CompassNeedlePU.png"),"compassBackground":pygame.image.load("imgs\\pickup items\\CompassPU.png")} icon_dic={"Sword":pygame.image.load("imgs\\pickup items\\ClaymorePU.png"),"StrongSword":pygame.image.load("imgs\\pickup items\\ClaymorePU.png"),"MagicStaff":pygame.image.load("imgs\\pickup items\\staffPU.png"),"Bow":pygame.image.load("imgs\\pickup items\\BowPU.png"),"Scythe":pygame.image.load("imgs\\pickup items\\ScythePU.png")} #main dictorany self.gui_dic={"button":button_dic,"menu":menu_dic,"screen":screen_dic,"compass":compass_dic, "icon":icon_dic} #Health Bar dictionary self.playericon2_dic={"Human":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\Unarmed.png"),"Knight":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\knight.png"),"Mage":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\mage.png"),"Archer":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\archer.png")} self.playericon4_dic={"Human":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\Unarmed4.png"),"Knight":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\knight4.png"),"Mage":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\mage4.png"),"Archer":pygame.image.load("imgs\\healthbar\\archer4.png")} self.testFont = pygame.font.SysFont("Times New Roman", 12) self.MainMenu = pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\MainMenu.png") self.CreateMenu = pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\newgame.png") self.OptionsMenu = pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Main Menu\\options.png") #self.noCoOpFont = pygame.font.Font("imgs\\gui\\HDirtyWhore-Regular", 12) self.title_img = pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\titlescreen.png") #---Input images---# self.iconKeyboard = pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Mouse and Keyboard.png") self.iconGamepad = pygame.image.load("imgs\\gui\\Xbox_Controller.png") #------------------# self.Font50 = pygame.font.Font("game font\\HDirtyWhore-Regular.ttf", 50) # Number of Windows #self.numWindows = None #Adjust volume #self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].set_volume(1 * self.soundfx) #self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click2"].set_volume(0.3 * self.soundfx) self.played = False def Update(self, dT): """ Updates the value for self.initPowerCharge and the mouse position on the GUI. """ self.gMouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.dT = dT return def CompassDirection(self, curPane, paneList): #Handles the direction of the compass to point to the nearest opponent. """ Takes the positions of every player on the screen (needs to handle the case where there is only one player), creates vector objects between the current player and every other player, finds the distance between every player and the current player (call the length function of math2D), and then calls math.atan2(vectorY, vectorX) to find the angle that we need to rotate the compass needle.""" frenemyList = [] # List of other players that you may/may not want to kill (their positions). distanceList = [] # List of distances between yourself and every other player. curPlayerPos = curPane.player.pos # Where you are. if len(paneList) != 1: # If there's more than one player on screen... for p in paneList: # For every pane... if p != curPane and p.player.state != 2: # If it's not the pane that you are on... frenemyList.append(p.player.pos) # Add the position of the player in that pane to frenemyList. for frenemy in frenemyList: # For every player position in frenemyList... curVector = frenemy - curPlayerPos # Create a vector by subtracting your position from the "frenemy"'s position. curDistance = curVector.length() # Find the length of that vector. distanceList.append(curDistance) # Append that length to distanceList. i = frenemyList[distanceList.index(min(distanceList))] # Working backwards, we find the index number of the minimum value of distanceList, and we make i equal to the item in frenemyList at that same index. closestVector = i - curPlayerPos # The closest vector is that item in frenemyList's value minus your positon. self.compassAngle = -(math.degrees(math.atan2(closestVector[1],closestVector[0])) % 360) else: self.compassAngle = 90 def render(self, surf, pane = None, paneList = None): """ surf will be the entire screen. Draw the GUI for the current game mode. Include a check to see if the player is currently dead. If so, display a game over screen. """, = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #the font size Font20 = pygame.font.SysFont("Times New Roman", 20) #Font21 = pygame.font.SysFont("HDirtyWhore-Regular.ttf", 20) Font32 = pygame.font.SysFont("Times New Roman", 38) #surf tempS = Font20.render("Menu", False, (250,0,0)) #color fontcolor=(255,255,255) self.fontcolor2=fontcolor buttoncolorhit=(255,0,255) buttoncolor=(120,120,120) #title page if(self.mode == "title"): surf.fill((128,128,128)) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["menu"]["title"], (0,0)) #menu page elif(self.mode == "menu"): #menu surf MenuSurf = self.gui_dic["menu"]["main"] tempS1 = Font20.render("create", False, fontcolor) tempS2 = Font20.render("option", False, fontcolor) tempS3 = Font20.render("credit", False, fontcolor) bcolor = (128,0,0) surf.fill(bcolor) Y=395 X=435 #menu surf.blit(MenuSurf, (0,0)) #create button pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X),Y+55-tempS1.get_height()/2,140, 40), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["ngamebutB"], (512-self.gui_dic["button"]["ngamebutB"].get_width()/2,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["ngamebutB"].get_height()/2)) #option button pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X),Y+120-tempS2.get_height()/2,140, 40), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["optionsButB"], (512-self.gui_dic["button"]["optionsButB"].get_width()/2,Y+130-self.gui_dic["button"]["optionsButB"].get_height()/2)) #credit button pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X),Y+200-tempS3.get_height()/2,140, 40), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButB"], (512-self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButB"].get_width()/2,Y+210-self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButB"].get_height()/2)) #collision hit r = pygame.Rect(((X),Y+40-tempS1.get_height()/2,155, 60)) r1 = pygame.Rect(((X),Y+110-tempS2.get_height()/2,155, 60)) r2 = pygame.Rect(((X),Y+200-self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButB"].get_height()/2,155, 80)) #draw rectangles to screen (debug, will blit objects later) #move with gamepad and keyboard if(r.collidepoint(, or self.selectionV == 1 ): self.selectionV = 1 pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X),Y+40-tempS1.get_height()/2,155, 60), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["ngamebutR"], (512-self.gui_dic["button"]["ngamebutR"].get_width()/2,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["ngamebutR"].get_height()/2)) if(r1.collidepoint(, or self.selectionV == 2): self.selectionV = 2 pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X),Y+110-tempS2.get_height()/2,155, 60), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["optionsButR"], (512-self.gui_dic["button"]["optionsButR"].get_width()/2,Y+130-self.gui_dic["button"]["optionsButR"].get_height()/2)) if(r2.collidepoint(, or self.selectionV == 3): self.selectionV = 3 pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X),Y+200-self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButR"].get_height()/2,155, 80), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButR"], (512-self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButR"].get_width()/2,Y+210-self.gui_dic["button"]["creditsButR"].get_height()/2)) #sound click if(r.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 1)): if not self.played: #print("hi") self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True elif(r1.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 2)): if not self.played: #print("hi2") self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True elif(r2.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 3)): if not self.played: #print("hi3") self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True else: #print("hi4") self.played = False #credits elif(self.mode == "credits"): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# surf.fill((0,0,0)) # Initial variables win_width=1024 win_height=768 List = ["NO COOPERATION","SPRING 2013","Thomas Edwards", "Richard Janita", "Parker Kahle",\ "Tom Paxton", "Dan Perkins", "Idris Said", "Cody Wheeler",\ "Maurice McPherson", "John Bickel", "Rhashaun Hurt",\ "Jimmy Albracht", "Ian Whitt", "Dakota Terry","Will Harmon",\ "Caleb Brown", "Matt Benson","Kris Grimsley", "Don Loughry", \ "Matt Robinson", "Cory Davis", "Joseph Brant"] R = 255 G = 255 B = 255 Black = 0 Speed = 40 * self.dT X = win_width // 2 Y = win_height // 2 NumSize = 30 TimesFont = pygame.font.SysFont("Times New Roman", NumSize) self.StartY -= Speed # Earse surf.fill((0,0,0)) # Draw self.DrawY = self.StartY for i in range(len(List)): if self.DrawY > 576 and self.DrawY < 768: R = (768 - self.DrawY) * 1.3 G = 0 B = 0 color = (R,G,B) elif self.DrawY > 384 and self.DrawY < 576: R = (self.DrawY - 384) * 1.3 G = (576 - self.DrawY) * 1.3 B = 0 color = (R,G,B) elif self.DrawY > 192 and self.DrawY < 384: R = 0 G = (self.DrawY - 192) * 1.3 B = (384 - self.DrawY) * 1.3 color = (R, G, B) elif self.DrawY > 0 and self.DrawY < 192: #------------------------------# R = 0 # I had to take the inverse of G = 0 # the inverse because otherwise B = (self.DrawY * 1.3) # there was an odd junp between color = (Black, Black, B) # the light blue and dark blue else: #------------------------------# color = (Black,Black,Black) tempS = TimesFont.render(List[i], 1, color) half_width = tempS.get_width() / 2 surf.blit(tempS, (X - half_width, self.DrawY)) self.DrawY += NumSize #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Flip pygame.display.flip() if(self.DrawY<=0): self.mode = "menu" #options elif(self.mode == "options"): #option surf OptionSurf = self.gui_dic["menu"]["options"] tempS6 = Font20.render(str(self.soundfx), False, fontcolor) tempS7 = Font20.render(str(, False, fontcolor) tempS8 = Font20.render("back to menu", False, fontcolor) bcolor = (128,0,0) surf.fill(bcolor) Y=450 X=440 buttoncolor = (bcolor) surf.blit(OptionSurf, (0,0)) #audio background button # - pygame.draw.rect(surf, buttoncolor, ((X+2),Y+55-tempS6.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) #surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowB"], (X+2,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowB"].get_height()/2)) #num pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,0,0), ((X+40),Y+55-tempS6.get_height()/2,46, 35), 0) #surf.blit(tempS6, (503-tempS6.get_width()/2,Y+61-tempS6.get_height()/2)) # + pygame.draw.rect(surf, buttoncolor, ((X+90),Y+55-tempS6.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) #surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowB"], (X+90,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowB"].get_height()/2)) #audio music button # + pygame.draw.rect(surf, buttoncolor, ((X),Y+135-tempS7.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowB"], (X,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowB"].get_height()/2)) #num #pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,0,0), ((X+38),Y+135-tempS6.get_height()/2,46, 35), 0) surf.blit(tempS7, (503-tempS7.get_width()/2,Y+60-tempS7.get_height()/2)) # - pygame.draw.rect(surf, buttoncolor, ((X+88),Y+135-tempS7.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowB"], (X+88,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowB"].get_height()/2)) #back button pygame.draw.rect(surf, buttoncolor, ((X+30),Y+184-tempS8.get_height()/2,64, 35), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["backButB"], (X,Y+190-self.gui_dic["button"]["backButB"].get_height()/2)) pygame.draw.rect(surf,buttoncolor, ((X),Y,150,40)) #collision hit r3 = pygame.Rect((X+2),Y+55-tempS6.get_height()/2,33, 35) r4 = pygame.Rect((X+90),Y+55-tempS6.get_height()/2,33, 35) r5 = pygame.Rect((X),Y+135-tempS7.get_height()/2,33, 35) r14 = pygame.Rect((X+88),Y+135-tempS7.get_height()/2,33, 35) r15 = pygame.Rect((X),Y+195-self.gui_dic["button"]["backButB"].get_height()/2,125, 50) #right ## if(r3.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 1 and self.selectionH == 1)): ## self.selectionV = 1 ## self.selectionH = 1 ## if not self.played: ## self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() ## self.played = True ## surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowR"], (X+2,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowR"].get_height()/2)) #left ## if(r4.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 1 and self.selectionH == 2)): ## self.selectionV = 1 ## self.selectionH = 2 ## if not self.played: ## self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() ## self.played = True ## surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowR"], (X+90,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowR"].get_height()/2)) #right if(r3.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 2 and self.selectionH == 1)): self.selectionV = 2 self.selectionH = 1 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowR"], (X+2,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowR"].get_height()/2)) #left if(r4.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 2 and self.selectionH == 2)): self.selectionV = 2 self.selectionH = 2 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowR"], (X+90,Y+60-self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowR"].get_height()/2)) #back if(r15.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 3)): self.selectionV = 3 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["backButR"], (X,Y+190-self.gui_dic["button"]["backButR"].get_height()/2)) elif(self.mode == "create"): CreateSurf = self.gui_dic["menu"]["create"] tempS4 = Font20.render("-", False, fontcolor) tempS5 = Font20.render(str(self.playernum), False, fontcolor) tempS9 = Font20.render("+", False, fontcolor) tempS12 = Font20.render(str(self.width), False, fontcolor) tempS13 = Font20.render(str(self.height), False, fontcolor) tempS14 = Font20.render("start game ", False, fontcolor) tempS15 = Font20.render("menu", False, fontcolor) Y=365 X=455 bcolor = (128,0,0) surf.fill(bcolor) surf.blit(CreateSurf, (0,0)) #player #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #left surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowB"], ((X-21),Y+139-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) #num pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,0,0), ((X+18),Y+135-tempS5.get_height()/2,43,35), 0) surf.blit(tempS5, (493-tempS5.get_width()/2,Y+140-tempS5.get_height()/2)) #right surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowB"], ((X+67),Y+139-tempS5.get_height()/2,33,35)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #size #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #left pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X+28),Y+215-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowB"], ((X+28),Y+220-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) #num pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,0,0), ((X+68),Y+215-tempS4.get_height()/2,39, 35), 0) surf.blit(tempS12, (540-tempS4.get_width()/2,Y+220-tempS4.get_height()/2)) #Right pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X+116),Y+215-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowB"], ((X+116),Y+220-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) #left pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X+29),Y+269-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowB"], ((X+29),Y+273-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) #num pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,0,0), ((X+69),Y+270-tempS4.get_height()/2,39, 35), 0) surf.blit(tempS13, (541-tempS4.get_width()/2,Y+275-tempS4.get_height()/2)) #right pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X+117),Y+268-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowB"], ((X+117),Y+273-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #start pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X - 65),Y+325-self.gui_dic["button"]["startButB"].get_height()/2,125, 65), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["startButB"], (450-self.gui_dic["button"]["startButB"].get_width()/2,Y+330-self.gui_dic["button"]["startButB"].get_height()/2)) #back pygame.draw.rect(surf, (bcolor), ((X+65),Y+315-tempS5.get_height()/2,125,55), 0) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["backButB"], (582-self.gui_dic["button"]["backButB"].get_width()/2,Y+330-self.gui_dic["button"]["backButB"].get_height()/2)) #collision hit #player r6 = pygame.Rect((X-21),Y+135-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35) r7 = pygame.Rect((X+67),Y+135-tempS5.get_height()/2,33,35) #size r8 = pygame.Rect((X+28),Y+215-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35) r9 = pygame.Rect((X+116),Y+215-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35) r10 = pygame.Rect((X+117),Y+268-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35) r11 = pygame.Rect((X+29),Y+269-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35) #start r12 = pygame.Rect((X - 65),Y+325-self.gui_dic["button"]["startButB"].get_height()/2,125, 65) #end r13 = pygame.Rect((X+65),Y+315-tempS5.get_height()/2,125,55) #player number if(r6.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 1 and self.selectionH == 1)): #print("R6") self.selectionV = 1 self.selectionH = 1 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #right surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowR"], ((X-21),Y+139-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) if(r7.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 1 and self.selectionH == 2)): #print("R7") self.selectionV = 1 self.selectionH = 2 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #left surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowR"], ((X+67),Y+139-tempS5.get_height()/2,33,35)) #width if(r8.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 2 and self.selectionH == 1)): #print("R8") self.selectionV = 2 self.selectionH = 1 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #left surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowR"], ((X+28),Y+220-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) if(r9.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 2 and self.selectionH == 2)): #print("R9") self.selectionV = 2 self.selectionH = 2 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #right surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowR"], ((X+116),Y+220-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) #height if(r11.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 3 and self.selectionH == 1)): #print("R10") self.selectionV = 3 self.selectionH = 1 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #right surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["LArrowR"], ((X+29),Y+273-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) if(r10.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 3 and self.selectionH == 2)): #print("R11") self.selectionV = 3 self.selectionH = 2 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #left surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["RArrowR"], ((X+117),Y+273-tempS4.get_height()/2,33, 35)) #start game and back if(r12.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 4 and self.selectionH == 1)): #print("R12") self.selectionV = 4 self.selectionH = 1 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #start surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["startButR"], (450-self.gui_dic["button"]["startButR"].get_width()/2,Y+330-self.gui_dic["button"]["startButR"].get_height()/2)) if(r13.collidepoint(, or (self.selectionV == 4 and self.selectionH == 2)): #print("R13") self.selectionV = 4 self.selectionH = 2 if not self.played: self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click1"].play() self.played = True #back surf.blit(self.gui_dic["button"]["backButR"], (582-self.gui_dic["button"]["backButR"].get_width()/2,Y+330-self.gui_dic["button"]["backButR"].get_height()/2)) elif(self.mode == "input"): for i in range(self.playernum): if i == pane.paneNum: if i < len(self.mapping): surf.fill((128,0,0)) #if(i == len(self.mapping) - 1): # print("Self.Mapping: ", len(self.mapping) - 1) if(self.mapping[i][1] == 0): surf.blit(self.iconKeyboard, (50, 50)) else: #print("Gamepad Draw", len(self.mapping)) surf.blit(self.iconGamepad, (50, 50)) else: surf.fill((255,255,255)) #--MESSAGE--# tempS20 = self.Font50.render("Press Attack After", False, self.fontcolor2) tempS21 = self.Font50.render("Everyone Enters", False, self.fontcolor2) surf.blit(tempS20, (50, 150)) surf.blit(tempS21, (50, 210)) #-----------# elif(self.mode =="game"): if len(paneList) == 1: # Circle Alpha Cutout! tempSurf = pygame.Surface((64,64)) circleCutout = pygame.Surface((64,64)) circleCutout.fill((0,0,0)), (254,254,254), (32,32), 32) # Border (optional), (255,255,255), (32,32), 31) # Must be white for the color key circleCutout.set_colorkey((255,255,255)) tempSurf.fill((0,0,0)) # POWER ATTACK BAR (BLIT WEAPON ICON IN FRONT OF THIS!!!) pygame.draw.rect(tempSurf, (self.pAttackColor), (0, 64, 64,64 * -(pane.player.paCharge))) # Blits the Cutout! tempSurf.blit(circleCutout, (0,0)) tempSurf.set_colorkey((0,0,0)) # Make border areas outside the circle transparent surf.blit(tempSurf, (2, 702)) # Copy the completed overlay to the screen surf.blit(self.gui_dic["icon"][pane.player.weapon[0]], (18,718)) # ATTACK AND POWERATTACK BUTTON INDICATORS pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,255,0), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 66), surf.get_height() - 67, surf.get_width() // 30, surf.get_height() // 20)) pygame.draw.rect(surf, (255,0,0), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 66), surf.get_height() - 35, surf.get_width() // 30, surf.get_height() // 20)) surf.blit(self.testFont.render("ATK", False, (0,0,0)), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 72), surf.get_height() - 60)) surf.blit(self.testFont.render("PWR", False, (0,0,0)), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 70), surf.get_height() - 23)) # HEALTH BAR p2x = 111 + (*2) bPL = ((111, 63), (309, 63), (283, 89), (81, 89)) rPL = ((111, 65), (304, 65), (282, 87), (87, 87)) gPL = ((111, 65), (p2x, 65), ((p2x-22), 87), (87, 87)) pPL = ((36, 57), (116, 57), (80, 93), (46, 93), (16, 68)) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,0,0), bPL, 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(255,0,0),rPL , 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(111,111,111), pPL, 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,0,0), pPL, 3) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,255,0), gPL, 0) surf.blit(self.playericon2_dic[], (0,0)) # COMPASS self.CompassDirection(pane, paneList) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["compass"]["compassBackground"], (surf.get_width() - 64, surf.get_height() - 64)) tempS = pygame.transform.rotate(self.gui_dic["compass"]["compassNeedle"], self.compassAngle) surf.blit(tempS, (surf.get_width() - 32 - tempS.get_width() / 2, surf.get_height() - 32 - tempS.get_height()/2)) elif len(paneList) == 2: # Check to see if the game has ended. if len(self.amongTheLiving) <= 1: self.mode == "GameOver" # Circle Alpha Cutout! tempSurf = pygame.Surface((64,64)) circleCutout = pygame.Surface((64,64)) circleCutout.fill((0,0,0)), (254,254,254), (32,32), 32) # Border (optional), (255,255,255), (32,32), 31) # Must be white for the color key circleCutout.set_colorkey((255,255,255)) tempSurf.fill((0,0,0)) # POWER ATTACK BAR (BLIT WEAPON ICON IN FRONT OF THIS!!!) pygame.draw.rect(tempSurf, (self.pAttackColor), (0, 64, 64,64 * -(pane.player.paCharge))) # Blits the Cutout! tempSurf.blit(circleCutout, (0,0)) # REMEMBER: 18, 358 AND 2, 326 tempSurf.set_colorkey((0,0,0)) # Make border areas outside the circle transparent surf.blit(tempSurf, (2, 702)) # Copy the completed overlay to the screen surf.blit(self.gui_dic["icon"][pane.player.weapon[0]], (18,718)) # ATTACK AND POWERATTACK BUTTON INDICATORS pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,255,0), (62, surf.get_height() - 33, 30, 30)) pygame.draw.rect(surf, (255,0,0), (62, surf.get_height() - 63, 30, 30)) surf.blit(self.testFont.render("ATK", False, (0,0,0)), (66, surf.get_height() - 55)) surf.blit(self.testFont.render("PWR", False, (0,0,0)), (64, surf.get_height() - 25)) # HEALTH BAR p2x = 111 + (*2) bPL = ((111, 63), (309, 63), (283, 89), (81, 89)) rPL = ((111, 65), (304, 65), (282, 87), (87, 87)) gPL = ((111, 65), (p2x, 65), ((p2x-22), 87), (87, 87)) pPL = ((36, 57), (116, 57), (80, 93), (46, 93), (16, 68)) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,0,0), bPL, 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(255,0,0),rPL , 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(111,111,111), pPL, 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,0,0), pPL, 3) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,255,0), gPL, 0) surf.blit(self.playericon2_dic[], (0,0)) # COMPASS self.CompassDirection(pane, paneList) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["compass"]["compassBackground"], (surf.get_width() - 64, surf.get_height() - 64)) tempS = pygame.transform.rotate(self.gui_dic["compass"]["compassNeedle"], self.compassAngle) surf.blit(tempS, (surf.get_width() - 32 - tempS.get_width() / 2, surf.get_height() - 32 - tempS.get_height()/2)) else: # Circle Alpha Cutout! tempSurf = pygame.Surface((64,64)) circleCutout = pygame.Surface((64,64)) circleCutout.fill((0,0,0)), (254,254,254), (32,32), 32) # Border (optional), (255,255,255), (32,32), 31) # Must be white for the color key circleCutout.set_colorkey((255,255,255)) tempSurf.fill((0,0,0)) # POWER ATTACK BAR (BLIT WEAPON ICON IN FRONT OF THIS!!!) pygame.draw.rect(tempSurf, (self.pAttackColor), (0, 64, 64,64 * -(pane.player.paCharge))) # Blits the Cutout! tempSurf.blit(circleCutout, (0,0)) # REMEMBER: 18, 358 AND 2, 326 tempSurf.set_colorkey((0,0,0)) # Make border areas outside the circle transparent surf.blit(tempSurf, (2, 316)) # Copy the completed overlay to the screen surf.blit(self.gui_dic["icon"][pane.player.weapon[0]], (18,334)) #surf.blit(self.gui_dic["icon"][pane.player.weapon[0]], (10, 340)) # ATTACK AND POWERATTACK BUTTON INDICATORS pygame.draw.rect(surf, (0,255,0), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 64), surf.get_height() - 61, 25, 25)) pygame.draw.rect(surf, (255,0,0), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 64), surf.get_height() - 36, 25, 25)) surf.blit(self.testFont.render("ATK", False, (0,0,0)), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 64), surf.get_height() - 58)) surf.blit(self.testFont.render("PWR", False, (0,0,0)), (surf.get_width() - (surf.get_width() - 64), surf.get_height() - 31)) # HEALTH BAR p2x = 94 + (*1.8) bPL = ((92, 48), (279, 48), (259, 68), (72, 68)) rPL = ((94, 50), (274, 50), (258, 66), (78, 66)) gPL = ((94, 50), (p2x, 50), ((p2x-16), 66), (78, 66)) pPL = ((33, 42), (99, 42), (69, 72), (41, 72), (16, 52)) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,0,0), bPL, 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(255,0,0),rPL , 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(111,111,111), pPL, 0) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,0,0), pPL, 3) pygame.draw.polygon(surf,(0,255,0), gPL, 0) surf.blit(self.playericon4_dic[], (0,0)) # COMPASS self.CompassDirection(pane, paneList) surf.blit(self.gui_dic["compass"]["compassBackground"], (surf.get_width() - 64, surf.get_height() - 64)) tempS = pygame.transform.rotate(self.gui_dic["compass"]["compassNeedle"], self.compassAngle) surf.blit(tempS, (surf.get_width() - 32 - tempS.get_width() / 2, surf.get_height() - 32 - tempS.get_height()/2)) elif self.mode == "GameOver": gameOverSurf = pygame.image.load("") surf.fill(255,0,0) def handleMovement(self, horiz, vert): """ horiz and vert are in the range -1...+1. This method only changes the state of self.selection, which should be used in the render method to determine which box is currently being highlighted. """ #input for title if( self.mode == "title"): self.selectionV = 1 # If the player goes back to the main screen, the selection variable resets to 1. #input for input elif( self.mode == "input"): self.selectionV = 1 #input for menu elif( self.mode == "menu"): if( vert == 1): self.selectionV += 1 elif( vert == -1): self.selectionV -= 1 if( self.selectionV > 3): self.selectionV = 1 elif( self.selectionV < 1): self.selectionV = 3 #input for options elif( self.mode == "options"): if( vert == 1 ): self.selectionV += 1 elif( vert == -1): self.selectionV -= 1 if( horiz == 1 ): self.selectionH += 1 elif( horiz == -1): self.selectionH -= 1 if( self.selectionH > 2): # This assumes that the "create game" screen has three options and a "back" button, lined up vertically. 1 3 self.selectionH = 1 # Additional conditional statements may be needed: i.e. if self.selection == 2 and horiz == 1: self.selection = 4, assuming a grid of 2 4. elif( self.selectionH < 1): self.selectionH = 2 if( self.selectionV > 3): # This assumes that the "create game" screen has three options and a "back" button, lined up vertically. 1 3 self.selectionV = 1 # Additional conditional statements may be needed: i.e. if self.selection == 2 and horiz == 1: self.selection = 4, assuming a grid of 2 4. elif( self.selectionV < 1): self.selectionV = 3 #input for create elif(self.mode == "create"): if( vert == 1 ): self.selectionV += 1 elif( vert == -1): self.selectionV -= 1 if( horiz == 1 ): self.selectionH += 1 elif( horiz == -1): self.selectionH -= 1 if( self.selectionH > 2): # This assumes that the "create game" screen has three options and a "back" button, lined up vertically. 1 3 self.selectionH = 1 # Additional conditional statements may be needed: i.e. if self.selection == 2 and horiz == 1: self.selection = 4, assuming a grid of 2 4. elif( self.selectionH < 1): self.selectionH = 2 if( self.selectionV > 4): # This assumes that the "create game" screen has three options and a "back" button, lined up vertically. 1 3 self.selectionV = 1 # Additional conditional statements may be needed: i.e. if self.selection == 2 and horiz == 1: self.selection = 4, assuming a grid of 2 4. elif( self.selectionV < 1): self.selectionV = 4 def handleAction(self, action, gamepad): """ action will be one of 'attack', 'pattack', 'interact', 'use', '?'. Possibly change the GUI mode, etc. The return value should be 1, 2, 3, or 4 iff we're in 'create' screen and we've hit the 'start' button. In all other cases, it should be None """ rv={} #title #print(action) if(self.mode == "title"): if(self.selectionV == 1 and action == "attack"): self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click2"].play() self.mode = "menu" if(self.selectionV == 1 and action == "pattack"): rv["player"] = 1 rv["dim"] = (4,4) #soundDataBase.SoundDBase.sounds["click2"].play() self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click2"].play() self.mode = "game" #Stops the title song #return rv #menu elif(self.mode == "menu"): if(self.selectionV == 1 and action == "attack"): self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click2"].play() self.mode = "create" elif(self.selectionV == 2 and action == "attack"): self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click2"].play() self.mode = "options" elif(self.selectionV == 3 and action == "attack"): self.appPtr.soundeffects.sounds["click2"].play() self.mode = "credits" self.StartY = 768 #input elif(self.mode == "input"): if action == "attack": if len(self.mapping) == self.playernum: rv["player"] = self.playernum rv["dim"] = (self.width,self.height) rv["mapping"] = self.mapping self.mode = "game" #Stops the title song return rv in_list = False for m in self.mapping: if m[1] == gamepad: in_list = True break if not in_list: #print("Adding ", gamepad, "to mapping number") mappingNum = len(self.mapping) self.mapping.append([mappingNum, gamepad]) #create menu elif(self.mode == "create"): if(self.selectionV == 1): if(self.selectionH == 1 and action == "attack"): self.playernum -= 1 if(self.playernum < 1): self.playernum = pygame.joystick.get_count() + 1 if(self.selectionH == 2 and action == "attack"): self.playernum += 1 if(self.playernum > pygame.joystick.get_count() + 1): self.playernum = 1 elif(self.selectionV == 2): if(self.selectionH == 1 and action == "attack"): self.width -= 1 if(self.width < 4): self.width = 10 if(self.selectionH == 2 and action == "attack"): self.width += 1 if(self.width > 10): self.width = 4 elif(self.selectionV == 3): if(self.selectionH == 1 and action == "attack"): self.height -= 1 if(self.height < 4): self.height = 10 if(self.selectionH == 2 and action == "attack"): self.height += 1 if(self.height > 10): self.height = 4 elif(self.selectionV == 4): if(self.selectionH == 1 and action == "attack"): self.mode = "input" self.selectionV = 1 rv["player"] = self.playernum rv["dim"] = (self.width,self.height) rv["mapping"] = [[0,0], [1,0], [2,0], [3,0]] return rv if(self.selectionH == 2 and action == "attack"): self.mode = "menu" #options menu elif(self.mode == "options"): #BACKGORUND if(self.selectionV == 1): #+ if(self.selectionH == 2 and action == "attack"): self.soundfx += 1 if(self.soundfx > 10): self.soundfx = 0 #- if(self.selectionH == 1 and action == "attack"): self.soundfx -= 1 if(self.soundfx < 0): self.soundfx=0 elif(self.selectionV == 2): if(self.selectionH == 1 and action == "attack"): -= 1 if( < 0): = 10 if(self.selectionH == 2 and action == "attack"): += 1 if( > 10): = 10 / 10) elif(self.selectionV == 3 and action == "attack"): self.mode = "menu" #credit scene elif(self.mode == "credits"): if(action == "attack"): self.mode = "menu"