BigDict = {"Enemies":{}, "Pickups":{}, "WorldObjects":{}, "Players":{}, "Items":{}} BigDict["Enemies"] = {"Hard":{}, "Medium":{}, "Easy":{}} BigDict["Players"] = {"Unarmed":{}, "Knight":{}, "Ranger":{}, "Mage":{}} BigDict["Pickups"] = {"Weapons":{"Ranged":{}, "Melee":{}, "Magic":{}}} BigDict["WorldObjects"]={"Spawnpoints":[]} #dictionary of enemies BigDict["Enemies"]["Hard"] = {"CastleSlime":["slime00cas", 100, 10, 100, "random"],"LBomb":["bomb", 100, 10, 100, "random"], "SkeletonArcher": ["Skeleton Archer", 100, 15, 100, "range"], "ghost": ["ghost", 100, 20, 150, "chase"]} BigDict["Enemies"]["Medium"] = {"DesertSlime":["slime00des", 100, 7, 75, "random"]} BigDict["Enemies"]["Easy"] = {"Slime":["slime", 100, 5, 50, "random"]} #Order of Attributes: Spritename, health, attack, speed, if follow(AI type) #Dictionary of playable characters. BigDict["Players"]["Unarmed"] = ["Unarmed", .75, .75] BigDict["Players"]["Knight"] = ["Knight", 1, .75] BigDict["Players"]["Ranger"] = ["Ranger", .75, 1] BigDict["Players"]["Mage"] = ["Mage", 1, 1] #Order of Attributes: Spritename, health, speed. #health and speed will be multiplied by base class. #Dictionary of pickups. #--Weapons--# #Order of Attributes: Spritename, attackType, Cooldown(Seconds), Power cooldown(Seconds), Damage, Power Damage, Range(pixels), Speed. BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Ranged"] = [["Bow", "proj", 0.5, 2.5, 0.75, 1.25, 1024, 1.0], ["Crossbow", "proj", 0.75, 2.0, 1.25, 1.0, 512, 175], ["Rifle", "proj", 0.75, 4.3, 1.4, 2.0, 1536, 2.2], ["Bomb", "Special", 1.0, 7.0, 2.5, 2.5, 256, 0.5]] # The outer list is the direction in which the player is facing (W, E, N, S) # The tuples inside that are the points for each frame swordPtList = [ [[(-68, -23), (-48, -23)], [(-79, -23), (-58, -23)], [(-88, -23), (-68, -23)], [(-68, -23), (-48, -23)]], #swordPtList[0] [[(69,-23), (49, -23)], [(90,-23), (70, -23)], [(80,-23), (60, -23)], [(74,-23), (54, -23)]], #swordPtList[1] [[(28, -80), (28, -60)], [(28, -99), (28, -79)], [(28, -94), (28, -74)], [(28, -85), (28, -65)]], #swordPtList[2] [[(-28, 38), (-28, 18)], [(-28, 56), (-28, 36)], [(-28, 51), (-28, 31)], [(-28, 39), (-28, 19)]] ] #swordPtList[3] scythePtList = [ [[(-30,-59), (-60, -29)], [(-30,-59), (-60, -29)], [(-30,-59), (-60, -29)], [(-30,-59), (-60, -29)]], #scythePtList[0] [[(34,-59), (64, -29)], [(34,-59), (64, -29)], [(34,-59), (64, -29)], [(34,-59), (64, -29)]], #scythePtList[1] [[(23,-70), (-13, -100)], [(23,-70), (-13, -100)], [(23,-70), (-13, -100)], [(23,-70), (-13, -100)]], #scythePtList[2] [[(-23, 16), (7, 36)], [(-23, 16), (7, 36)], [(-23, 16), (7, 36)], [(-23, 16), (7, 36)]] ] #scythePtList[3] BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Melee"] = [["Sword", "stab", 0.6, 3, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0, 0.0, swordPtList], ["StrongSword", "stab", 0.6, 3, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, swordPtList], ["Scythe", "arc", 0.75, 5.1, 1.8, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, scythePtList], ["Axe", "stab", 0.75, 4.5, 1.5, 1.75, 0.0, 0.0], ["Spear", "stab", 0.65, 4.4, 1.6, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]] BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Magic"] = [["MagicStaff", "proj", 0.75, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1024, 0.6], ["FireStaff", "proj", 0.75, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1024, 0.6], ["LightningStaff", "proj", 0.75, 2.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1024, 0.6], ["EarthStaff", "proj", 0.75, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1024, 0.6], ["DoomStaff", "Special", 0.75, 2.5, 1.4, 2.5, 1024, 0.6]] #--Pickups--# BigDict["Pickups"]["Compass"] = ["Compass", True] #Order of Attributes: Spritename, Boolean set to true. BigDict["Items"]["HealthPot"] = ["Potion_RedPU", "heal", 30] #BigDict["Items"]["Sword"] = ["Claymore", "changeClass", ("Melee", BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Melee"][0])] BigDict["Items"]["Staff"] = ["staffPU", "changeClass", ("Magic", BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Magic"][0])] BigDict["Items"]["Scythe"] = ["ScythePU", "changeClass", ("Melee", BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Melee"][2])] BigDict["Items"]["Bow"] = ["BowPU", "changeClass", ("Ranged", BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Ranged"][0])] BigDict["Items"]["StrongSword"] = ["ClaymorePU", "changeClass", ("Melee", BigDict["Pickups"]["Weapons"]["Melee"][1])]