import entity import random import pygame import math2d import BigDict # TEMPORARY ##floor = pygame.image.load("img\\floor.bmp").convert() ##wall = pygame.image.load("img\\wall.bmp").convert() ##item = pygame.image.load("img\\item.png").convert_alpha() ##player = pygame.image.load("img\\player.png").convert_alpha() class World(object): def __init__(self, dim, tileDBase, spriteDBase): """ Load the necessary files in the given dimensions """ self.tileDBase = tileDBase self.spriteDBase = spriteDBase self.dim = dim # self.tileDBase["floor"] is the floor image # TEMPORARY self.tileWidth = 32 self.tileHeight = 32 self.roomWidthT = 32 self.roomHeightT = 32 self.EnemyCount = 0 self.Map = [] self.worldWR = dim[0] self.worldHR = dim[1] # For debugging purposes, checking which rooms work tempList = [] for i in range(self.worldHR): tempList.append([]) for j in range(self.worldWR): tempList[i].append(-1) # (temporary) Seed the random generator so we get the same map every time #random.seed(42) self.worldWidthT = self.worldWR * self.roomWidthT self.worldHeightT = self.worldHR * self.roomHeightT for i in range(self.worldWR): for j in range(self.worldHR): choose = str(random.randint(0,49)) if len(str(choose))==1: tempList[j][i] = "0"+choose else: tempList[j][i] = choose #to create a map full of randomly selected rooms: room = open("maps\\room"+choose+".txt", "r") orientation = random.choice((0,1)) #if zero, room is appended normally. if one, a mirror image of the room is appended l = 0 for line in room: line = list(line.strip("\n")) if orientation == 1: #Thing that reverses... temp = [] #This counts down to -1, but not including -1. So 0 is the final value of k... for k in range(len(line)-1, -1, -1): temp += line[k] line = temp if len(line)!=32: print("ERROR IN "+choose) if i==0: self.Map.append(line) else: self.Map[(j*self.roomHeightT)+l] += line l += 1 room.close() print(len(self.Map)) print(len(self.Map[0])) print(len(self.Map[0][0])) # Debugging: print("Rooms:") c = 0 for i in range(self.worldHR): print(tempList[i]) self.fix() self.polish() self.populate() self.worldHeightT = len(self.Map) self.worldWidthT = self.worldWR * self.roomWidthT def fix(self): """ Correct the map borders and room exits """ # FINISH ME (Ian). Also do the random floor / wall textures for i in range(self.dim[0]*32): self.Map[0][i]='x' self.Map[self.worldHeightT-1][i]='x' for j in range(self.dim[1]*32): self.Map[j][0]='x' self.Map[j][self.worldWidthT-1]='x' def polish(self): """ Adds in random tile changes and sector styles """ borderH = (self.worldHR+1)//4 borderW = (self.worldWR+1)//4 self.terList = [] for i in range(self.worldHR): self.terList.append([]) for j in range(self.worldWR): if (j(self.worldWR-borderW)-1) or (i(self.worldHR-borderH)-1): if i<(self.worldHR//2): if j<(self.worldWR//2): self.terList[i].append("for") else: self.terList[i].append("des") else: if j<(self.worldWR//2): self.terList[i].append("ice") else: self.terList[i].append("lav") else: self.terList[i].append("cas") for i in range(len(self.Map)): for j in range(len(self.Map[i])): ter = self.terList[i//32][j//32] tile = self.Map[i][j] self.Map[i][j] += ter def populate(self): """ Scans the map and creates Enemy, Trap, Loot objects """ # Do Traps to start with, then eventually add the other type of "things" BigDict.BigDict["WorldObjects"]["Spawnpoints"] =[] self.enemies = [] self.chests = [] self.items = [] tempdict = BigDict.BigDict # Scans through entire map code and documents the entities position in pixels for line in range(len(self.Map)): for var in range(len(self.Map[line])): tmp = self.Map[line][var][0] tmp2 = self.Map[line][var][1:] pos = [] entityX = var * 32 entityY = line * 32 pos = math2d.Vector2(entityX, entityY) self.spawnEnemies if tmp == "c": pass #self.chests.append(entity.chests(pos, "chest", self.spriteDBase)) elif tmp == "s": if line < 32: #Top bar of map BigDict.BigDict["WorldObjects"]["Spawnpoints"].append(pos) elif line > ((self.dim[1] - 1) * 32): #Bottom bar of map BigDict.BigDict["WorldObjects"]["Spawnpoints"].append(pos) elif var < 32: #Left bar of map BigDict.BigDict["WorldObjects"]["Spawnpoints"].append(pos) elif var > ((self.dim[0] - 1) * 32): #Right bar of map BigDict.BigDict["WorldObjects"]["Spawnpoints"].append(pos) #self.chests.append(entity.chests(pos, self.spriteDBase)) def spawnEnemies(self): """respawns enemies""" tempdict = BigDict.BigDict for line in range(len(self.Map)): for var in range(len(self.Map[line])): tmp = self.Map[line][var][0] tmp2 = self.Map[line][var][1:] pos = [] entityX = var * 32 entityY = line * 32 pos = math2d.Vector2(entityX, entityY) tmpChoice = random.randint(0,3) #create an instance of an enemy if tmp == "e": #make a random enemy #id = random.randint(1,1) #b is the total amount of different enemies in the game, currently set at 1 because there is only the slime #if id == 1: #choice = random.choice("Easy") if tmp2 == "cas": if tmpChoice == 0: choice = "Medium" else: choice = "Hard" elif tmp2 == "des": tmpChoice = random.randint(0,3) if tmpChoice == 0 or tmpChoice == 1: choice = "Easy" elif tmpChoice == 2 or tmpChoice == 3: choice = "Medium" elif tmp2 == "lav": tmpChoice = random.randint(0,3) if tmpChoice == 0: choice = "Easy" elif tmpChoice == 1 or tmpChoice == 2: choice = "Medium" else: choice = "Hard" elif tmp2 == "ice": tmpChoice = random.randint(0,3) if tmpChoice == 0: choice = "Easy" elif tmpChoice == 1 or tmpChoice == 2: choice = "Medium" else: choice = "Hard" elif tmp2 == "for": if 0 <= tmpChoice <= 2: choice = "Easy" else: choice = "Medium" choice2 = random.choice(tuple(tempdict["Enemies"][choice].keys())) imgname = tempdict["Enemies"][choice][choice2][0] health = tempdict["Enemies"][choice][choice2][1] attack = tempdict["Enemies"][choice][choice2][2] speed = tempdict["Enemies"][choice][choice2][3] AI= tempdict["Enemies"][choice][choice2][4] self.enemies.append(entity.Easy(pos, imgname, health, attack, speed, AI, self.spriteDBase)) self.EnemyCount = len(self.enemies) def isSpotWalkable(self, x, y, entity = "normal"): """ Returns True if a player / enemy can walk on this position, False or not """ #Called in, Player class, onMove method #First, convert pixel pos to tile pos... worldTilePos = (int(x // self.tileWidth), int(y // self.tileHeight)) #look at what letter or character is in the Map that tile position by #first indexing the row, and then indexing the column. try: if self.Map[worldTilePos[1]][worldTilePos[0]][0] == 'x': return False except: pass if entity == "enemy": try: if self.Map[worldTilePos[1]][worldTilePos[0]][0] == 'p' or self.Map[worldTilePos[1]][worldTilePos[0]][0] == 'P' or\ self.Map[worldTilePos[1]][worldTilePos[0]][0] == '1' or self.Map[worldTilePos[1]][worldTilePos[0]][0] == '2': return False except: pass return True def isSpotTrap(self, x, y): """Returns True if player walks on trap""" #Simillar code as isSpotwalkable #Returns True if tile is a trap and false for any other cases #should be used to detect if player is on a pit or lava tile trapTile = (int(x // self.tileWidth), int(y // self.tileWidth)) if self.Map[trapTile[1]][trapTile[0]][0] == "p": return 0 if self.Map[trapTile[1]][trapTile[0]][0] == "P": return 0 elif self.Map[trapTile[1]][trapTile[0]][0] == "1": return 1 elif self.Map[trapTile[1]][trapTile[0]][0] == "2": return 2 else: return -1 def isSpotPit(self, x, y): """Returns True if player walks on trap""" #Simillar code as isSpotwalkable #Returns True if tile is a trap and false for any other cases #should be used to detect if player is on a pit or lava tile trapTile = (int(x // self.tileWidth), int(y // self.tileWidth)) if self.Map[trapTile[1]][trapTile[0]][0] == "p": return True elif self.Map[trapTile[1]][trapTile[0]][0] == "P": return True else: return False def dropLoot(self, enemy): """drops random item when enemy dies""" tempDict = BigDict.BigDict choice = random.choice(tuple(tempDict["Items"].keys())) print(choice) spritename = tempDict["Items"][choice][0] action = tempDict["Items"][choice][1] data = tempDict["Items"][choice][2] self.items.append(entity.Loot(enemy.pos, spritename, action, self.spriteDBase, data)) def renderWallsOneLine(self, surf, screenPixelY, cameraPos, transList): """ Renders a line of walls, doors, etc. """ # FINISH ME (Dakota) #line get the title pos Y liney = int(screenPixelY // 32) liney2 = int(cameraPos[1] // 32) #print(screenPixelY) #loop through to render one line at cameraPos if liney >= self.worldHeightT: return start = int(cameraPos[0]//32)-1 for i in range(start,start+2+(surf.get_width()//32)): try: if i >= len(self.Map[liney]): break trans="" for t in transList: if (t-2)