mirror of https://github.com/gitattributes/gitattributes.git synced 2025-01-22 00:08:52 -05:00
Dawid Niedźwiedzki c9ac80d722 Removes problematic wildcard from .blend files
Removes wildcard from .blend files, that caused git to treat .blend.meta as files that are supposed to be placed in LFS, while it should've been treated as a YAML file.
2024-10-21 19:25:34 -07:00

162 lines
4.4 KiB

# Define macros (only works in top-level gitattributes files)
[attr]lfs filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
[attr]unity-json eol=lf linguist-language=json
[attr]unity-yaml merge=unityyamlmerge eol=lf linguist-language=yaml
# Optionally collapse Unity-generated files on GitHub diffs
# [attr]unity-yaml merge=unityyamlmerge text linguist-language=yaml linguist-generated
# Unity source files
*.cginc text
*.compute text linguist-language=hlsl
*.cs text diff=csharp
*.hlsl text linguist-language=hlsl
*.raytrace text linguist-language=hlsl
*.shader text
# Unity JSON files
*.asmdef unity-json
*.asmref unity-json
*.index unity-json
*.inputactions unity-json
*.shadergraph unity-json
*.shadersubgraph unity-json
# Unity UI Toolkit files
*.tss text diff=css linguist-language=css
*.uss text diff=css linguist-language=css
*.uxml text linguist-language=xml linguist-detectable
# Unity YAML
*.anim unity-yaml
*.asset unity-yaml
*.brush unity-yaml
*.controller unity-yaml
*.flare unity-yaml
*.fontsettings unity-yaml
*.giparams unity-yaml
*.guiskin unity-yaml
*.lighting unity-yaml
*.mask unity-yaml
*.mat unity-yaml
*.meta unity-yaml
*.mixer unity-yaml
*.overrideController unity-yaml
*.playable unity-yaml
*.prefab unity-yaml
*.preset unity-yaml
*.renderTexture unity-yaml
*.scenetemplate unity-yaml
*.shadervariants unity-yaml
*.signal unity-yaml
*.spriteatlas unity-yaml
*.spriteatlasv2 unity-yaml
*.terrainlayer unity-yaml
*.unity unity-yaml
# "physic" for 3D but "physics" for 2D
*.physicMaterial unity-yaml
*.physicsMaterial2D unity-yaml
# Exclude third-party plugins from GitHub stats
Assets/Plugins/** linguist-vendored
# Unity LFS
*.cubemap lfs
*.unitypackage lfs
# 3D models
*.3dm lfs
*.3ds lfs
*.blend lfs
*.c4d lfs
*.collada lfs
*.dae lfs
*.dxf lfs
*.FBX lfs
*.fbx lfs
*.jas lfs
*.lws lfs
*.lxo lfs
*.ma lfs
*.max lfs
*.mb lfs
*.obj lfs
*.ply lfs
*.skp lfs
*.stl lfs
*.ztl lfs
# Audio
*.aif lfs
*.aiff lfs
*.it lfs
*.mod lfs
*.mp3 lfs
*.ogg lfs
*.s3m lfs
*.wav lfs
*.xm lfs
# Video
*.asf lfs
*.avi lfs
*.flv lfs
*.mov lfs
*.mp4 lfs
*.mpeg lfs
*.mpg lfs
*.ogv lfs
*.wmv lfs
# Images
*.bmp lfs
*.exr lfs
*.gif lfs
*.hdr lfs
*.iff lfs
*.jpeg lfs
*.jpg lfs
*.pict lfs
*.png lfs
*.psd lfs
*.tga lfs
*.tif lfs
*.tiff lfs
*.webp lfs
# Compressed Archive
*.7z lfs
*.bz2 lfs
*.gz lfs
*.rar lfs
*.tar lfs
*.zip lfs
# Compiled Dynamic Library
*.dll lfs
*.pdb lfs
*.so lfs
# Fonts
*.otf lfs
*.ttf lfs
# Executable/Installer
*.apk lfs
*.exe lfs
# Documents
*.pdf lfs
*.a lfs
*.reason lfs
*.rns lfs
# Spine export file for Unity
*.skel.bytes lfs
# Exceptions for .asset files such as lightning pre-baking
LightingData.asset binary