%YAML 1.1 %TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: --- !u!114 &11400000 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 89305aa391d1c5141bbe1628d930a2c5, type: 3} m_Name: Tutorials m_EditorClassIdentifier: Modified: m_PersistentCalls: m_Calls: [] ParentContainer: {fileID: 0} OrderInView: 0 BackgroundImage: {fileID: 2800000, guid: cf19c6d5e0c0d4440acf6ef0d681f721, type: 3} Title: m_Untranslated: AR Mobile Template Subtitle: m_Untranslated: A list of resources to get you started Description: m_Untranslated: ProjectLayout: {fileID: 102900000, guid: 9349b491173a40341b110657656ea86b, type: 3} Sections: - OrderInView: 0 Heading: m_Untranslated: Quick Start Guide Text: m_Untranslated: Learn about the template features Metadata: Url: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.template.ar-mobile@1.0 Image: {fileID: 2800000, guid: caa22bb026fa84979ba1be2779739367, type: 3} Tutorial: {fileID: 0} - OrderInView: 1 Heading: m_Untranslated: Online Documentation Text: m_Untranslated: Read the official documentation Metadata: Url: https://docs.unity3d.com/2022.3/Documentation/Manual/xr-create-projects.html Image: {fileID: 2800000, guid: caa22bb026fa84979ba1be2779739367, type: 3} Tutorial: {fileID: 0} - OrderInView: 2 Heading: m_Untranslated: Forums Text: m_Untranslated: Connect with the XR community Metadata: Url: https://forum.unity.com/forums/ar-vr-xr-discussion.80/ Image: {fileID: 2800000, guid: caa22bb026fa84979ba1be2779739367, type: 3} Tutorial: {fileID: 0} - OrderInView: 3 Heading: m_Untranslated: Bug Reporting Text: m_Untranslated: Report bugs to the XR team Metadata: Url: https://unity.com/releases/editor/qa/bug-reporting Image: {fileID: 2800000, guid: caa22bb026fa84979ba1be2779739367, type: 3} Tutorial: {fileID: 0} - OrderInView: 4 Heading: m_Untranslated: Template Feedback Text: m_Untranslated: Tell us about your experience Metadata: Url: https://unitysoftware.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_55ArAISha2aOtsW Image: {fileID: 2800000, guid: caa22bb026fa84979ba1be2779739367, type: 3} Tutorial: {fileID: 0}