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System-Purge/Assets/Dusty Char/CharacterMovement.cs

173 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class CharacterMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public bool jump = false;
public bool grounded = true;
public bool foundThing = false;
public bool canPass = false;
public bool changeBox = false;
public bool isStarted = false;
private float timeRemainingTransparency = 5;
private float timeRemainingTransfer = 5;
private float checkTimeRemaining = 5;
public Transform sightStart, sightEnd;
public float secondBoxX, secondBoxY;
public float firstBoxX, firstBoxY;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
IEnumerator myCoroutine()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3f);
//print("now what?");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
// StartCoroutine(myCoroutine());
// checkTimers();
// print("transfer time: " + timeRemainingTransfer);
// print("check time: " + checkTimeRemaining);
// print("IS starting: " + isStarted);
public void Movement()
//Is going to handle all the character movement
// transform.Translate(Vector2.right * 4f * Time.deltaTime); //Makes it to where the player can travel to the right
// transform.eulerAngles = new Vector2(0,0); //this allows the "rotation" of the sprite, facing right / left
//if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
// transform.Translate(Vector2.left * -4f * Time.deltaTime); //Makes it to where the player can travel to the left
// transform.eulerAngles = new Vector2(0, 180);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F))
if (canPass == true)
canPass = false;
canPass = true;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q))
if(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name == "GMLevel1")
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
if (changeBox == true)
changeBox = false;
changeBox = true;
public void powerTransfer()
//Transfer (enabling the player to "transfer" thier "hit" box behind them)
if (changeBox == true && timeRemainingTransfer >= 0.0 )
GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().offset = new Vector2(secondBoxX, secondBoxY);
timeRemainingTransfer -= Time.deltaTime;
GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>().offset = new Vector2(firstBoxX, firstBoxY);
changeBox = false;
timeRemainingTransfer = 5;
public void powerTransparency()
//Transparency (enabling the player to "glitch" through certain boundaries.)
if (canPass == true && timeRemainingTransparency >= 0.0)
Physics2D.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 10, true); //Make sure that the "barriers" that the player needs to "phase" through are part of the barrier layer.
timeRemainingTransparency -= Time.deltaTime;
canPass = false;
Physics2D.IgnoreLayerCollision(8, 10, false);
timeRemainingTransparency = 5;
//still need to work on "re increasing" the time remaining variable.
public void powerTeleport()
//Teleportation (enabling teh player to teleport to a location ahead of him.)
Debug.DrawLine(sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, Color.red);
foundThing = Physics2D.Linecast(sightStart.position, sightEnd.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Bounding Wall")); //Pretty much saying if the cast hits a bounding wall, will not enable teleportation
if (foundThing)
transform.position = new Vector2(sightStart.position.x, sightStart.position.y); //Player doesn't move (ish)
transform.position = new Vector2(sightEnd.position.x, sightEnd.position.y); //Player moves to the end of the "ray cast"
/* void checkTimers()
if (timeRemainingTransparency <= 0.0 && checkTimeRemaining >= 0.0 && isStarted == false)
isStarted = true;
timeRemainingTransparency += Time.deltaTime;
checkTimeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime;
if (timeRemainingTransfer < 0.0 && checkTimeRemaining >= 5 /*&& isStarted == false)
isStarted = true;
timeRemainingTransfer += Time.deltaTime;
checkTimeRemaining -= Time.deltaTime;
isStarted = false;