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using System;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.Content.Interaction.Analytics
/// <summary>
/// Base class for interaction parameters.
/// </summary>
abstract class InteractionEventParameter
/// <summary>
/// The parameter unique name.
/// </summary>
protected string Name;
internal InteractionEventParameter()
Name = GetType().Name;
public override string ToString()
return JsonUtility.ToJson(this);
// Scene Started Parameter
sealed class SceneStarted : InteractionEventParameter
{ }
/// <summary>
/// Base class for station parameters. A station parameter has a <c>Station</c> and <c>Substaion</c> name.
/// </summary>
abstract class StationParameter : InteractionEventParameter
protected static class GrabInteractableStation
internal const string k_StationName = "GrabInteractable";
internal const string k_SimpleObjectSubstationName = "SimpleObject";
internal const string k_WateringCanSubstationName = "WateringCan";
internal const string k_PiggyBankSubstationName = "PiggyBank";
internal const string k_RibbonStickSubstationName = "RibbonSitck";
protected static class ActiveInteractableStation
internal const string k_StationName = "ActiveInteractable";
internal const string k_ActiveSimpleObjectSubstationName = "ActiveSimpleObject";
internal const string k_CandleSubstationName = "Candle";
internal const string k_LauncherSubstationName = "Launcher";
internal const string k_MegaphoneSubstationName = "Megaphone";
protected static class SocketInteractorStation
internal const string k_StationName = "SocketInteractors";
internal const string k_SimpleSocketSubstationName = "SocketSimpleObject";
internal const string k_PerlerMachineSubstationName = "PerlerMachine";
protected static class Interaction3DUIStation
internal const string k_StationName = "3DUIInteraction";
internal const string k_3DUISimpleControlsSubstationName = "3DUISimpleControls";
internal const string k_ClawMachineSubstationName = "ClawMachine";
protected static class PhysicsInteractableStation
internal const string k_StationName = "PhysicsInteraction";
internal const string k_PhysicsSimpleControlsSubstationName = "PhysicsSimpleControls";
internal const string k_CabinetExampleSubstationName = "CabinetExample";
internal const string k_DoorsExampleSubstationName = "DoorsExample";
protected static class SetupStation
internal const string k_StationName = "Setup";
internal const string k_LeftHandSubstationName = "LeftHand";
internal const string k_LocomotionSettingsSubstationName = "LocomotionSettings";
internal const string k_RightHandSubstationName = "RightHand";
protected string Station;
protected string Substation;
// Grab Simple Object Parameters
abstract class SimpleObjectSubstation : StationParameter
internal SimpleObjectSubstation()
Station = GrabInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = GrabInteractableStation.k_SimpleObjectSubstationName;
sealed class GrabSimpleObjectInstant : SimpleObjectSubstation
{ }
sealed class GrabSimpleObjectKinematic : SimpleObjectSubstation
{ }
sealed class GrabSimpleObjectVelocity : SimpleObjectSubstation
{ }
// Watering Can Parameters
abstract class WateringCanSubstation : StationParameter
internal WateringCanSubstation()
Station = GrabInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = GrabInteractableStation.k_WateringCanSubstationName;
sealed class GrabWateringCan : WateringCanSubstation
{ }
sealed class WateringPlant : WateringCanSubstation
{ }
// Piggy Bank Parameters
abstract class PiggyBankSubstation : StationParameter
internal PiggyBankSubstation()
Station = GrabInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = GrabInteractableStation.k_PiggyBankSubstationName;
sealed class GrabMallet : PiggyBankSubstation
{ }
sealed class BreakPiggyBank : PiggyBankSubstation
{ }
// Grab Ribbon Stick Parameters
sealed class GrabRibbonStick : StationParameter
internal GrabRibbonStick()
Station = GrabInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = GrabInteractableStation.k_RibbonStickSubstationName;
// Active Simple Object Parameters
abstract class ActiveSimpleObjectSubstation : StationParameter
internal ActiveSimpleObjectSubstation()
Station = ActiveInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = ActiveInteractableStation.k_ActiveSimpleObjectSubstationName;
sealed class GrabActiveSimpleObject : ActiveSimpleObjectSubstation
{ }
sealed class SimpleObjectActivated : ActiveSimpleObjectSubstation
{ }
// Candle Parameters
abstract class CandleSubstation : StationParameter
internal CandleSubstation()
Station = ActiveInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = ActiveInteractableStation.k_CandleSubstationName;
sealed class GrabLighter : CandleSubstation
{ }
sealed class LighterActivated : CandleSubstation
{ }
sealed class GrabCandle : CandleSubstation
{ }
sealed class LightCandle : CandleSubstation
{ }
// Launcher Parameters
abstract class LauncherSubstation : StationParameter
internal LauncherSubstation()
Station = ActiveInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = ActiveInteractableStation.k_LauncherSubstationName;
sealed class GrabLauncher : LauncherSubstation
{ }
sealed class LauncherActivated : LauncherSubstation
{ }
sealed class LauncherEasyTargetHit : LauncherSubstation
{ }
sealed class LauncherMediumTargetHit : LauncherSubstation
{ }
sealed class LauncherHardTargetHit : LauncherSubstation
{ }
// Megaphone Parameters
abstract class MegaphoneSubstation : StationParameter
internal MegaphoneSubstation()
Station = ActiveInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = ActiveInteractableStation.k_MegaphoneSubstationName;
sealed class GrabMegaphone : MegaphoneSubstation
{ }
sealed class MegaphoneActivated : MegaphoneSubstation
{ }
// Socket Simple Object
abstract class SimpleSocketSubstation : StationParameter
internal SimpleSocketSubstation()
Station = SocketInteractorStation.k_StationName;
Substation = SocketInteractorStation.k_SimpleSocketSubstationName;
sealed class ConnectSocketSimpleObject : SimpleSocketSubstation
{ }
sealed class DisconnectSocketSimpleObject : SimpleSocketSubstation
{ }
// Perler Machine
abstract class PerlerMachineSubstation : StationParameter
internal PerlerMachineSubstation()
Station = SocketInteractorStation.k_StationName;
Substation = SocketInteractorStation.k_PerlerMachineSubstationName;
sealed class ConnectPerlerMachineBattery : PerlerMachineSubstation
{ }
sealed class GrabPerlerBead : PerlerMachineSubstation
{ }
sealed class ConnectPerlerBead : PerlerMachineSubstation
{ }
// 3DUI Simple Controls
abstract class SimpleControlsParameter : StationParameter
internal SimpleControlsParameter()
Station = Interaction3DUIStation.k_StationName;
Substation = Interaction3DUIStation.k_3DUISimpleControlsSubstationName;
sealed class LeverInteraction : SimpleControlsParameter
{ }
sealed class JoystickInteraction : SimpleControlsParameter
{ }
sealed class DialInteraction : SimpleControlsParameter
{ }
sealed class WheelInteraction : SimpleControlsParameter
{ }
sealed class SliderInteraction : SimpleControlsParameter
{ }
sealed class GripButtonPressed : SimpleControlsParameter
{ }
sealed class PushButtonPressed : SimpleControlsParameter
{ }
// Claw Machine Parameters
abstract class ClawMachineParameter : StationParameter
internal ClawMachineParameter()
Station = Interaction3DUIStation.k_StationName;
Substation = Interaction3DUIStation.k_ClawMachineSubstationName;
sealed class ClawMachineJoystickInteraction : ClawMachineParameter
{ }
sealed class ClawMachinePushButtonPressed : ClawMachineParameter
{ }
sealed class ConnectClawMachineToPrize : ClawMachineParameter
{ }
sealed class GrabClawMachinePrize : ClawMachineParameter
{ }
// Physics Simple Controls
abstract class PhysicsSimpleControlsParameter : StationParameter
internal PhysicsSimpleControlsParameter()
Station = PhysicsInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = PhysicsInteractableStation.k_PhysicsSimpleControlsSubstationName;
sealed class GrabSpringJoint : PhysicsSimpleControlsParameter
{ }
sealed class GrabHingeJoint : PhysicsSimpleControlsParameter
{ }
// Cabinet Example
abstract class CabinetExampleParameter : StationParameter
internal CabinetExampleParameter()
Station = PhysicsInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = PhysicsInteractableStation.k_CabinetExampleSubstationName;
sealed class GrabCabinet1 : CabinetExampleParameter
{ }
sealed class GrabCabinet2 : CabinetExampleParameter
{ }
// Doors Example
abstract class DoorsExampleParameter : StationParameter
internal DoorsExampleParameter()
Station = PhysicsInteractableStation.k_StationName;
Substation = PhysicsInteractableStation.k_DoorsExampleSubstationName;
sealed class PushFlipDoor : DoorsExampleParameter
{ }
sealed class GrabDoorKey : DoorsExampleParameter
{ }
sealed class DoorUnlocked : DoorsExampleParameter
{ }
sealed class DoorLocked : DoorsExampleParameter
{ }
sealed class GrabDoorHandle : DoorsExampleParameter
{ }
// Left Hand
abstract class LeftHandParameter : StationParameter
internal LeftHandParameter()
Station = SetupStation.k_StationName;
Substation = SetupStation.k_LeftHandSubstationName;
sealed class LeftHandLocomotionTypeInteraction : LeftHandParameter { }
sealed class LeftMovementDirectionInteraction : LeftHandParameter { }
sealed class LeftHandTurnStyleInteraction : LeftHandParameter { }
abstract class LocomotionSettingsParameter : StationParameter
internal LocomotionSettingsParameter()
Station = SetupStation.k_StationName;
Substation = SetupStation.k_LocomotionSettingsSubstationName;
sealed class MoveSpeedInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class StrafeEnabledInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class ComfortModeInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class RigGravityEnabledInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class FlyDisabledInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class TurnSppedInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class TurnAroundEnabledInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class SnapTurnInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class GrabMoveDisabledInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class MoveRatioInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
sealed class ScalingDisabledInteraction : LocomotionSettingsParameter { }
abstract class RightHandParameter : StationParameter
internal RightHandParameter()
Station = SetupStation.k_StationName;
Substation = SetupStation.k_RightHandSubstationName;
sealed class RightHandLocomotionTypeInteraction : RightHandParameter { }
sealed class RightHandMovementDirectionInteraction : RightHandParameter { }
sealed class RightHandTurnStyleInteraction : RightHandParameter { }
/// <summary>
/// Editor event used to send <c>XRContent</c> interaction analytics data.
/// Only accepts <c>InteractionEventParameter</c> objects as parameter.
/// </summary>
class InteractionEvent : EditorEvent
const string k_EventName = "xrcInteraction";
internal InteractionEvent(int maxPerHour = k_DefaultMaxEventsPerHour, int maxElementCount = k_DefaultMaxElementCount)
: base(k_EventName, maxPerHour, maxElementCount)
{ }
internal bool Send(InteractionEventParameter parameter)
return parameter != null && base.Send(parameter);