using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit; namespace UnityEngine.XR.Content.Interaction { /// /// An interactable that can be pushed by a direct interactor's movement /// public class XRPushButton : XRBaseInteractable { class PressInfo { internal IXRHoverInteractor m_Interactor; internal bool m_InPressRegion = false; internal bool m_WrongSide = false; } [Serializable] public class ValueChangeEvent : UnityEvent { } [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The object that is visually pressed down")] Transform m_Button = null; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("The distance the button can be pressed")] float m_PressDistance = 0.1f; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Extra distance for clicking the button down")] float m_PressBuffer = 0.01f; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Offset from the button base to start testing for push")] float m_ButtonOffset = 0.0f; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("How big of a surface area is available for pressing the button")] float m_ButtonSize = 0.1f; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Treat this button like an on/off toggle")] bool m_ToggleButton = false; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Events to trigger when the button is pressed")] UnityEvent m_OnPress; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Events to trigger when the button is released")] UnityEvent m_OnRelease; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Events to trigger when the button pressed value is updated. Only called when the button is pressed")] ValueChangeEvent m_OnValueChange; bool m_Pressed = false; bool m_Toggled = false; float m_Value = 0f; Vector3 m_BaseButtonPosition =; Dictionary m_HoveringInteractors = new Dictionary(); /// /// The object that is visually pressed down /// public Transform button { get => m_Button; set => m_Button = value; } /// /// The distance the button can be pressed /// public float pressDistance { get => m_PressDistance; set => m_PressDistance = value; } /// /// The distance (in percentage from 0 to 1) the button is currently being held down /// public float value => m_Value; /// /// Events to trigger when the button is pressed /// public UnityEvent onPress => m_OnPress; /// /// Events to trigger when the button is released /// public UnityEvent onRelease => m_OnRelease; /// /// Events to trigger when the button distance value is changed. Only called when the button is pressed /// public ValueChangeEvent onValueChange => m_OnValueChange; /// /// Whether or not a toggle button is in the locked down position /// public bool toggleValue { get => m_ToggleButton && m_Toggled; set { if (!m_ToggleButton) return; m_Toggled = value; if (m_Toggled) SetButtonHeight(-m_PressDistance); else SetButtonHeight(0.0f); } } public override bool IsHoverableBy(IXRHoverInteractor interactor) { if (interactor is XRRayInteractor) return false; return base.IsHoverableBy(interactor); } void Start() { if (m_Button != null) m_BaseButtonPosition = m_Button.position; } protected override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); if (m_Toggled) SetButtonHeight(-m_PressDistance); else SetButtonHeight(0.0f); hoverEntered.AddListener(StartHover); hoverExited.AddListener(EndHover); } protected override void OnDisable() { hoverEntered.RemoveListener(StartHover); hoverExited.RemoveListener(EndHover); base.OnDisable(); } void StartHover(HoverEnterEventArgs args) { m_HoveringInteractors.Add(args.interactorObject, new PressInfo { m_Interactor = args.interactorObject }); } void EndHover(HoverExitEventArgs args) { m_HoveringInteractors.Remove(args.interactorObject); if (m_HoveringInteractors.Count == 0) { if (m_ToggleButton && m_Toggled) SetButtonHeight(-m_PressDistance); else SetButtonHeight(0.0f); } } public override void ProcessInteractable(XRInteractionUpdateOrder.UpdatePhase updatePhase) { base.ProcessInteractable(updatePhase); if (updatePhase == XRInteractionUpdateOrder.UpdatePhase.Dynamic) { if (m_HoveringInteractors.Count > 0) { UpdatePress(); } } } void UpdatePress() { var minimumHeight = 0.0f; if (m_ToggleButton && m_Toggled) minimumHeight = -m_PressDistance; // Go through each interactor foreach (var pressInfo in m_HoveringInteractors.Values) { var interactorTransform = pressInfo.m_Interactor.GetAttachTransform(this); var localOffset = transform.InverseTransformVector(interactorTransform.position - m_BaseButtonPosition); var withinButtonRegion = (Mathf.Abs(localOffset.x) < m_ButtonSize && Mathf.Abs(localOffset.z) < m_ButtonSize); if (withinButtonRegion) { if (!pressInfo.m_InPressRegion) { pressInfo.m_WrongSide = (localOffset.y < m_ButtonOffset); } if (!pressInfo.m_WrongSide) minimumHeight = Mathf.Min(minimumHeight, localOffset.y - m_ButtonOffset); } pressInfo.m_InPressRegion = withinButtonRegion; } minimumHeight = Mathf.Max(minimumHeight, -(m_PressDistance + m_PressBuffer)); // If button height goes below certain amount, enter press mode var pressed = m_ToggleButton ? (minimumHeight <= -(m_PressDistance + m_PressBuffer)) : (minimumHeight < -m_PressDistance); var currentDistance = Mathf.Max(0f, -minimumHeight - m_PressBuffer); m_Value = currentDistance / m_PressDistance; if (m_ToggleButton) { if (pressed) { if (!m_Pressed) { m_Toggled = !m_Toggled; if (m_Toggled) m_OnPress.Invoke(); else m_OnRelease.Invoke(); } } } else { if (pressed) { if (!m_Pressed) m_OnPress.Invoke(); } else { if (m_Pressed) m_OnRelease.Invoke(); } } m_Pressed = pressed; // Call value change event if (m_Pressed) m_OnValueChange.Invoke(m_Value); SetButtonHeight(minimumHeight); } void SetButtonHeight(float height) { if (m_Button == null) return; Vector3 newPosition = m_Button.localPosition; newPosition.y = height; m_Button.localPosition = newPosition; } void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { var pressStartPoint =; if (m_Button != null) { pressStartPoint = m_Button.localPosition; } pressStartPoint.y += m_ButtonOffset - (m_PressDistance * 0.5f); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(pressStartPoint, new Vector3(m_ButtonSize, m_PressDistance, m_ButtonSize)); } void OnValidate() { SetButtonHeight(0.0f); } } }