using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.Samples.Hands { /// /// Provides the ability to reset specified objects if they fall below a certain position - designated by this transform's height. /// public class ObjectResetPlane : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] [Tooltip("Which objects to reset if falling out of range.")] List m_ObjectsToReset = new List(); [SerializeField] [Tooltip("How often to check if objects should be reset.")] float m_CheckDuration = 2f; readonly List m_OriginalPositions = new List(); float m_CheckTimer; /// /// See . /// protected void Start() { foreach (var currentTransform in m_ObjectsToReset) { if (currentTransform != null) { m_OriginalPositions.Add(new Pose(currentTransform.position, currentTransform.rotation)); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Objects To Reset contained a null element. Update the reference or delete the array element of the missing object.", this); m_OriginalPositions.Add(new Pose()); } } } /// /// See . /// protected void Update() { m_CheckTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (m_CheckTimer > 0) return; m_CheckTimer = m_CheckDuration; var resetPlane = transform.position.y; for (var transformIndex = 0; transformIndex < m_ObjectsToReset.Count; transformIndex++) { var currentTransform = m_ObjectsToReset[transformIndex]; if (currentTransform == null) continue; if (currentTransform.position.y < resetPlane) { currentTransform.SetPositionAndRotation(m_OriginalPositions[transformIndex].position, m_OriginalPositions[transformIndex].rotation); var rigidBody = currentTransform.GetComponentInChildren(); if (rigidBody != null) { rigidBody.velocity =; rigidBody.angularVelocity =; } } } } } }